Chapter 15

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Dad woke up the girls at 7am the next morning to clean the yard. He said that they'd clean first and have a discussion after about this whole mess. The girls groaned loudly. 

"Dadd! It's still summer. Let us sleep in while we can!" Emily yelled as she rolled around in her covers. Dad wasn't having it,

"Girls! Up now! You made this mess so you will clean it up!" he said firmly. The twins moved quickly. They don't exactly want to get Dad angry. 

The twins spent three hours cleaning up their yard and mess. Emily couldn't be bothered and was too disgusted to try to clean up the dried chunky vomit on the sidewalk so she put a giant frame around it and carved a table in the pavement that read, 'Puke Avenue -Aftermath of Emily's famous lemonade'. Ella wrinkled her nose and looked at it. Dad was bound to remove it sometime. 

Ella had to scrub Dad's table clean. Dad still hadn't processed that his table was used. Sure, he had seen it but he's still in shock. After she cleaned it, she and Emily carried it back to the garage. Emily didn't know how she was going to buy that chair back from the lady she sold it to and decided not to worry about it right now. They both threw out most of Emily's lemonade and had to pay a small fee out of their money earned to the community board for causing a bad smell in the entire neighborhood. After they cleaned the egg yolk from their lawn and everything was almost spotless, they flopped on the couch inside.

A few hours later, all four of them were outside sitting in their lawn chairs and eyeing the Puke Avenue Sidewalk. Mom put her head in her hands, 

"Girls, I think it's time you told us what on earth happened yesterday." she said unsure if she wanted to hear the answers. "Where should we start?" Ella asked nervously. 

"How about the elephant in the room. The sidewalk?" Dad asked looking disgusted. Ella turned to Emily. This wasn't her problem. 

"Well, when most people drank my lemonade they either spit it out or vomited on the sidewalk. It's art now. It's quite cool. And nauseating. Which is why I am not touching that thing." Emily said. Mom and Dad's eyes widened so much it looked as if they were going to fall out.

"Thats.. that's all VOMIT! Oh my oh my oh my" Mom said gagging slightly. Emily looked at Ella.

Dad looked as if he was going to faint, "Why are we keeping a pile of VOMIT on our sidewalk?" he said trying not to vomit himself. Emily shot him a slightly guilty look. Mom shook her head,

"Ok let's move on before I add to that.. er ... 'art'. Can anyone explain why my dining chair is missing? It was here earlier yesterday??" Mom asked staring right at Emily. 

Emily looked down at her feet, "Hehe funny you noticed that. Ok fine. I sold it. I was short on cash and really didn't want to lose. It didn't get me too much though so it wasn't even worth it. But it's in a better place now." 

Mom's eye twitched and her face turned all colors, "But that's... chair...dining.. part of set? It's mine and you sold... I" she stumbled about to explode. Emily scooted her chair away, "EMILY! You can't just... You... I?? You young lady are going to find that chair and get it back. Bribe that person with all of your money if you have to!" she said going inside. Hearing anything more will likely cause her to faint. Emily looked relieved that Mom didn't absolutely kill her. 

Dad wasn't even paying attention to that. He was staring at the garage to his table. The table that now stood crookedly because dragging it sanded one side of the base down. Ella's face paled and she looked terrified.

"Why. was. My. table. MY table. That isn't finished. On the sidewalk. Covered in lemonade, WITHOUT MY PREMISSION?" he yelled causing the girls to jump. Emily immediately pointed to Ella. 

Ella fiddled with her thumbs, reluctant to look up, "Ok so you see, Emily took the only fold up table and I really needed one and yours was just staring at me waiting for it to be used. Nothing bad happened so I'm not sure why you said it was unfinished but any who it brought me good fortune and I fixed it mostly?" she said really fast. Dad's eye twitched as he threw his head back.

"Ella. You know better than to use my things. Without permission. This is unacceptable. As punishment I want you to give 20% of your money so I can fix that table." he said slowly. Ella nodded her head so fast it looked as if it would pop off. She was happy she wasn't grounded, "but I can't believe you sold lemonade Emily. I literally told you how terrible it was in the kitchen and you thought it was okay to sell? These poor people didn't deserve this. I'm very disappointed at you but also your mom, what was she thinking letting you do this? " he said shaking his head and getting up walking back inside. Once the door closed both the twins slouched in their chairs and sighed. 

"Oh my god. We didn't even get in trouble. I mean besides us using much of our money to pay for things," Emily said. Ella nodded in agreement, 

"I'm so relieved. What a way to end our summer" Ella said tying up her dirty blond hair into a messy bun. Emily closed her eyes and sighed. Dad came outside to walk around and take a breather. Ella looked at her twin thoughtfully, 

"Say Em?" she asked. Emily opened one eye, "Hm?"

"What exactly did you do when you ran off to other people's houses?" she asked. Emily opened both her eyes really fast and opened her mouth. She giggled a little,

"Oh my goodness so many things happened. It was really depressing yet funny-" she started when Dad's phone rang. He picked up, 

""Hello? Yes... hmm.. Emily?... no! What? I'm so sorry!" he put the phone down and looked at Emily. Emily's face changed to shock and worry as she knew what he must be talking about. Ella looked alarmed as she looked between her dad and her sister.

He found out about my doings to other people! thought Emily.




Hope you enjoyed just kidding, no one its going to read this and it's really cheesy and weird but any who at least I can make my 11 year old self happy who always hoped to publish this. 

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