Chapter 7

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Ella came outside with 4 jugs of lemonade half an hour later and set her set up on the other side of the court. That way it looked like they were competing even though they are twins who look exactly alike. Ella took Dad's wooden table he was working on and about to polish from the garage and covered it with a thin tablecloth, put a tip jar, money jar, bought a stack of cups and brought the book she was reading. She hung up a sign that had big bold and glittery letters. 'Lucious Lemonade.

"That doesn't even make sense" Emily said as she examined her sister's set up. Ella gave her a quick glare and Emily backed down.

Ella decorated her stand with flowers and streamers. She had her jugs in a cooler with extra ice cubes. She also had a decent-sized tip jar too. Ella used a plastic fold-up chair. She sat down and put on her hat. Emily put her hat on head and cracked her knuckles. It was time. 

After 10 minutes, Ella and Emily didn't have a customer yet. They sat in their chairs looking snazzy. Mom came out talking on the phone holding a tray of chocolate scones. She passed some to Ella and Emily lunged forward and grabbed a lot! She now had a whole chair full of scones. If Emily didn't love eating them as much, she would probably sell it. Mom went back in eyeing Emily weirdly as she looked down at her empty scone tray. Then Dad came out wearing his jogging suit holding his iPod. He looked right to see Emily's stand and then looked left to see Ella's stand. His eyes widened as he said, "Gosh are you both selling stuff? Don't cause any trouble! The last thing I want to hear is the neighbours complaining!" Then he jogged off. Dad usually goes on long runs, meets up with his friends for a bit and runs back home after a few hours. 

 Emily smirked and looked over to Ella. "Don't even think about it!" Ella exclaimed.

After 5 minutes three teens walked up to their stand. All three went to Ella's first since it was more visually appealing and closer.

"Hi! It's quite hot outside and all three of us would like a glass each! Say is that your twin sister?" one said peering over to Emily's stand.

"Ya, it's my twins! We are having a competition on who can sell more lemonade," she said pouring three glasses. The girls took the drink and chugged it.

"Oh wow, this is AMAZING! It's much better than any other drink I tasted!" said the same one. The other girls nodded.

"Do you want another glass? You look thirsty!" Ella said shaking another glass.

"AW we would love more but I think we should give your twin's a try! If you made this imagine what she would taste like!" another girl said. Emily was waving her arms everywhere trying to get Ella's attention. She didn't look happy and was frowning. Ella didn't notice and her face turned all red.

"Oh that's really kind but Emily's drink doesn't taste good! You might get yourself sick even!" Ella warned them. The girls shook their head with shocked faces.

"Um... no. Look I know you are having a competition but that doesn't mean you have to trash talk about your sister so she loses! We're going over there!" said the last one as she dropped in 3 dollars in the jar. The teens walked over to the other side of the street to a very happy Emily. She wiped the scone crumbs off her face and stood up. She happily poured three glasses of her chunky lemonade and handed them to the girls.

"Ooh, this smells funny." said one. She sniffed it and held her nose.

The girls drank a large sip and their facial expressions were horrifying! One spewed it out onto the tarmac, the other one swallowed it but rinsed her mouth well with the hose while the last one did a proper puke near the gutter. Ella's face changed from smirk to terrified. What the heck? What did Emily conjure up so bad that it made someone puke? Well, I did warn them...

Emily looked scared at what the teens were going to do to her.

"Uhh, are you alright? What made you puke like that?" she said stupidly. The teens looked horrified.

"Umm... YOUR DRINK! Gosh that's really bad!" said one.

"It's chunky and salty and disgusting! What witchery did you put in this?" said another.

"Are you trying to kill us?" said the last one. "Your sister was right! Your drink IS terrible! We shouldn't give you ANY money!"

With that, the teens walked off. Emily's face turned red and she screamed at the top of her lungs.


Ella covered her ears, the teens squeezed their ears and shut their eyes and every neighbour shut their windows.

"YOU THINK I AM A JOKE TO YOU? YOU THINK IM STUPID ENOUGH TO LET YOU GO ON WITHOUT PAYING? I GAVE YOU SOMETHING AND YOU WALK-OFF?" she screamed at the teens. The teens were scared as they covered their ears for dear life. Ella pulled out three sets of earplugs and stuffed them in her ears. The other teen pulled herself together, "So sorry, Emily but it's rotten! You don't deserve it!" she said as she pulled her phone out to take a photo of Emily. Emily marched down to her and swiped her phone. "I don't deserve 3 dollars? You don't deserve a phone! I needed one anyway... or I can crush it and rip it apart!" she said.

The last one was angry and attempted to swipe it back but Emily ran away. One rolled her eyes and took out a 10 dollar bill. She handed it to Emily and she stopped.

"See? 3 dollars or 10? You had to spend more money? Next time just do what's right!" she said handing back her phone. The girls ran away from Emily. Ella took out her earplugs and her jaw dropped.

"So that's how you got that much money! You already have 25 dollars!" she said frustrated as she walked over to her sister. 

"It's not ME! Apparently everyone HATES my lemonade! It's not my fault they have bad taste! Then they run away so I try to get my money and they give me more than I ask for!" Emily said defending herself. She had a fair point.

"But you scream until you get what you want! And you scare them! It's... not... fair... you're manipulating them! How?" Ella said not finishing her sentence. 

"Don't blame me! You're making me sound like a terrible person! People have different tastes and I'll prove you wrong when someone actually likes my lemonade!" Emily said sitting down and taking another scone. 

"Whatever you say sis" Ella said walking back to her own stand. She would have to step up her game now. Emily now has like 10x the amount of money she made and with Emily's technique... things were about to get spicy.

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