Chapter 11

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Emily was up to no good. Then again, she never is good when she is alone. Emily went to a few more houses but got no luck. They either politely refused, rudely refused, didn't answer the door or if she did get a task, they kicked her out for doing it wrong. Emily was feeling down in the dumps and peered back onto her street. She saw Ella with a small line and her tip jar full. If that's how full her tip jar is, imagine how full her money jar is! Thought Emily alarmed. 

She had just about enough with her luck when that man stomped up to her and demanded the money back for the weeds. He said that he brought his fiance over for a dinner in the backyard and she kept cutting her feet on the grass, which made her leave and will refuse to come to this neighbourhood again. Emily didn't want to mess with him again so she gave him the 5 dollars and watched him cry all the way home. Now Emily was raging. She went ballistic and turned into a tornado about to wreck everything in her sight. She didn't ask the people to help them, she did it anyway. Not nicely though. She wanted to take revenge on a few of them but wanted to do a great job. Once she had done that job, she would surprise the neighbours and they wouldn't hesitate to pay her loads of money. Only in your wildest dreams Emily.

Emily snuck into a backyard and grabbed a lawn mower and started to mow the lawn. She did it really quick so that no one would check outside to see what the noise was. She did that with messy lines and even cut it so short, you could see all the dirt. She rang their doorbell and boy, did she get a reaction. The women just kept on screaming. No words were needed to see how angry she was.

 Emily ran to another street. She sneakily mowed a lawn that was not needed to be mowed. It had a lot of dog poop on it and there was no way Emily was going to touch it so she mowed around it leaving big patches of grass circles. This highlighted where all the dog poop was. That man was going to chase Emily down and report her to the police for cutting his beautiful grass. She realized that no one loved her lawn mowing skills so she decided that painting the house would be perfect. 

Somehow, there was access paint in their garage so she took some, and painted the outside of the house. Emily couldn't reach areas higher than her so she took a ladder and painted. Her paint lines were very streaky and in every direction. After an hour, Emily eventually poured the paint from the roof onto the house so it dripped on the walls. That couple was horrified. They were speechless, so Emily took advantage of that and asked for money. Then she ran. She painted another house so colourful, you'd think a unicorn puked. That owner of the house fainted. 

Emily tried fixing gnomes and arranging them nicely but she broke most of them. She just buried whole gnome in the dirt eventually. When that didn't work, Emily climbed on the roof and went down their chimney attempting to clean it. She gave three elderly women a heart attack and five children thought she was Santa. Emily sprinted out of that street when the children started crying and the women fainted. There was no way she was going to get blamed for that. Emily was determined to earn money in some way so she thought back on what she did and counted how many were successful. 

None. She was getting desperate and thought, If no one loves what I do for them, then maybe if I do things my way, they'll like it better! Emily ran off to find another street that wasn't already wrecked.

. . . 

Ella had calmed down by then and her best friends, Samantha and Ava were hanging out by her stand helping Ella sell. They eventually ran out of lemonade and began to sell her scones. She even made a few anger smoothies too, which cooled her down after the Grace incident. Samantha gave Ella good advice on friendships and finding who treats you right. Ella smiled at Ava, Samantha and thought of Charlotte. All three were her best friends forever. She hugged them and they had a mini crying session again. After that, Ava had to go home and so it was just Samantha and her

Many people were still wanting lemonade because they read her sign but Ella didn't have any. Samantha wanted to help and saw Emily's stand which had multiple jugs of lemonade. She took three jugs, poured them in cups and offered to sell them but Ella was shocked at what Samantha was doing and slapped the cup out of her hand.

"Ella are you ok?" she said startled.

"Samantha, that's Em's lemonade! First, it's not nice to take without asking and second, that is the most disgusting drink anyone's tasted! Trust me you do not want to sell that otherwise people will ask for our money back and paint the sidewalk with their puke!" she warned. Samantha took a good look at the lemonade and swished the cup around. Chunks were flying around in the bright yellow colour. It looked sickening especially with the smell. Samantha took a whiff and crumpled her nose. She immediately poured it into the garbage and sat down.

"Wow, that looks and smells disgusting!!!!" she said coughing. Ella looked at her, "Ya, if you taste it, then you know what death tastes like!"

Samantha widened her eyes, "You tasted it!" '

"Of course not! I don't want to vomit AND get sick! I already have a weak immune system!"

"How on earth did Emily think this tastes good! I am actually concerned for her!"

"Well Emily didn't taste it. Which is why she thinks it tastes good and sold it. We need to find a way to make her drink it since she wants to save it,"

"She didn't drink it! You two are my besties, especially Emily but sometimes she can do stupid decisions! Are you positive that it tastes bad? I mean, you haven't tasted it and neither did she. Only customers. I mean maybe the taste of disgusting food runs in your family. Your Aunt Rose might have something to do with it."

Ella looked at her offended, "of course it tastes bad! My parents said so too!" she said thinking. She couldn't think of anything else to say to back up her point so she grabbed a cup of Emily's lemonade.

"What are you doing! You're going to drink it?" Samantha asked shocked with fear. Ella scrunched her nose and nodded. Her face was full of fear. Samantha covered her mouth as her jaw dropped. "I do believe you when you say it must taste bad I was just looking for any signs of hop-"

"Even though the universe has pointed all signs that this is disgusting, there is only true way for me to confirm it. So here I go"

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