Chapter 12

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Ella held the cup to her nose and took a whiff. It smelled like wet dog mixed with rotten egg and all the poop in the world mixed together in a dumpster. Ew. 

"Ella you really don't have to do this. That can give you some sort of disease or something" Samantha said eyeing the drink. Ella gulped audibly and looked at Samantha,

"Well, if someone asks what my biggest fear I've overcome or the worst tasting drink I can say this" she said unsure.

With that, she plugged her nose and drank a large mouthful of that stuff. She felt the bitter yet dilute solution hang in her mouth. Chunks were swirling around followed by various other things. The taste was worse than she could've imagined, felt as if she was tasting sewage water or even urine. Ella gagged as she tried to swallow it but half of it got spewed onto Samantha. Samantha yelped as some got into her mouth and turned a shade of green as she tasted it. Ella dropped the cup and coughed vigorously for a chunk to come up as Samantha projectile vomited into the bushes and sprayed her tongue with the hose. Ella grabbed the hose and washed her tongue and organs to try to get that horrible lingering stench out of her mouth. 

They both flopped onto the chairs looking sickly and tired. Ella was the first to speak,

"That was worse than I thought! I swallowed chunks! CHUNKS! Why on earth did I swallow that MUCH" Samantha was still a shade of green and glanced at Ella.

"Well thanks for spraying it into my mouth! Not only was It Emily's drink but it came out of your mouth!" she said shuddering. Ella grimaced but didn't reply. "It tasted like actual death. I didn't know someone was capable of creating THAT" Samantha continued holding her stomach and trying not to vomit again. They both slouched into their chairs trying to think of a way to get Emily to drink a taste of her own medicine. Literally.

. . .

Emily formulated a plan on how to fix people's garden another way. She grabbed an axe she found in someone's garage and chopped down a family fence. She piled the wood in a large pile and lit it on fire to make a large bonfire. She rearranged the furniture so it was in a circle around the bonfire and rang the doorbell and a woman holding a child answered.

"Hey, so I realized that people spend so much money on having large fires for campouts and such so I thought that I would give you one for only 10 dollars!" she said pointing to the large fire. It wasn't near the house but it looked vicious. The woman's jaw dropped to the floor and she had fear in her eyes. The child looked excited and bounced up and down.

"It's great isn't it! I knew you'd be speechless! Of course you can thank me later!" she said happily. Nothing come out of the woman's mouth other than a very loud scream. She just kept screaming until her child started to shriek and her husband came running.

"WHAT! FENCE... DOWN.... FIRE... BONFIRE... BIG.... MONEY... TH.." he said falling to the ground dumbfounded.

"So about the mone-" she started before the woman interrupted.

"NO! DID YOU DO THIS? BREAK DOWN PROPERTY? THIS IS DANGEROUS, VIOLATION, AND AND... YOU WANT MONEY.... DO YOU know how...." she began before Emily took that as a sign to run for her life. She ran until she was almost back to her old street. It was 6:30 almost time to come back. She was too tired to try to get money. Emily gave herself a pep talk and went around houses (that she hasn't been too) and put on little puppet shows for kids. Finally something suitable I know.

Ella and Samantha came up with a sneaky plan. When Emily returned, Samantha is going to ask Emily if they can both have a glass of her lemonade to celebrate a great success. But then Ella will then create a distraction of some sort where Samantha will switch her own glass with Ella's lemonade. Then when they both drink, Emily will drink her own lemonade and Samantha will be drinking Ella's drink. Emily will realize how bad it is, apologize. Then of course Ella is going to have more money and that will be that.

"Its sounds like a good plan Ella! But how do we know when Emily will return?" she questioned still writing down some notes.

"Easy. She would arrive on 7 on the dot! She always does something until the last possible minute," she said twirling her hair.

The plan was set.

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