Chapter 3

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Emily walked outside and set up her stand. It was a fold up table with a plastic tablecloth which had many finger ripped holes. Her umbrella was barely standing on the table giving her shade and her chair was a fancy dining one she stole from inside. She had a huge money jar and two reusable cups next to a hose to wash them with. In front of the stand was a messy sign that read 'Emily's Lovely Lemonade $1 per Cup'.  She dusted herself and sat down waiting. 

Meanwhile, Ella was still lying on her bed staring at her ceiling. She noticed a spider on it scurrying away. Ew. She got up a glanced at the window to see how Emily was doing and raised her eyebrows at the mix of furniture. Mom is going to kill her for using that chair she thought. She didn't see a customer in sight and the sight of her twin with a confident face made her heart twinge. Why was she so clueless? You'd think an eleven year old would know better. It's like she isn't related to me. Ella didn't want her sister to make a fool of herself. She didn't need to taste the lemonade to know that much. Her thoughts were interrupted when Mom came in holding a pile of laundry,

"Annnddd here's is the last of your laundry Ella! Phew that's one thing I can check off my list!" she said putting them on her bed and doing a little victory dance. Ella glanced at her and forced a small smile. 

"What's up El? You seem down in the dumps"

Ella rolled her eyes in her mind because doing that physically will get her into trouble, "Don't try to sound cool Mom. But I am a little upset." 

Mom nodded and sat down, "you can tell me if you want honey". Ella nodded, "Alright, I'm just worried about Em. She seems so different. And clueless and so unlike me, or even a normal eleven year old. She is capable of acting like a normal kid but chooses to act dumb and just stupid." 

Mom's eyes widened and hesitated before answering, "Ella, that isn't nice. I know Emily isn't your typical tween but she's still your sister. You are right about her acting different for her own will. I think she does that for attention. You were always the one to steal attention, you were neat and always followed to rules; the perfect child. Emily was your average kid who liked to make messes and be a kid. I love you both equally of course, being a messy kid is normal and being a more aware kid like you is a treat for parents but also normal. She thinks if she acts different, she'll get more attention even if that means being a little wack." 

Ella was a bit in shock. She never thought of it that way, "But why couldn't she just be like me, that way people will like her more too?"

"Well, I think that she thinks that she can't possibly be the same level as you, everyone is different. So she chooses something she is more good at. It's only a phase, she'll grow and learn that not everything is a competition and people will love her just the way she is. I'm not saying she'll completely change because Emily is Emily. But be nice and show her love, give her time"

Ella's eyes burned a little, "I'm sorry Mom. I didn't mean to sound rude about it, I had no idea."

Mom smiled and patted her on the back before leaving, "It's okay Ella." Ella smiled back before flopping onto her bed. She thought back on everything Mom just said. Hm. Dad walked in a few moments later looking for his sock,

"Ella? Have you seen my sock? I must've misplaced it and I want to go on a run-" he started before Ella interrupted.

"Dad? Tell the truth, was Emily's lemonade bad or terrible?" she asked. Dad's eyes widened in horror,

"oh it was atrocious! Worst thing I ever tasted in my life, worse than your Aunt Rose's cooking-"

"ROGER!" Mom yelled across the house warningly.

"I mean... yeah it was terrible. Good thing she isn't making more!" he said walking out of the room. Ella grimaced not wanting to tell him that Emily was actually selling her monstrosity. 

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