Chapter 4

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 Emily finally had a customer after over fifteen minutes of waiting. It was a young couple who looked parched. Emily was excited and she sat up straight and watched as they came close.

"Hello, umm... Emily? My wife and I forgot to bring water bottles on our hike and we are parched! Two lemonades please?" He said panting slightly.

Emily gladly poured lemonade in her only two plastic cups she had handed them over. The thirsty couple drank the whole cup in one mouthful. That was a big regretful mistake. Emily watched the couple turn green and clutching their stomachs. The lady made a disgusted face and then a worried one before vomiting on the sidewalk. Emily was very surprised and was not expecting that despite it being the same reaction her mother did not too long ago.  The man turned many different colours before swallowing then washing his mouth out with the hose.

"WHAT IS THIS!? It tastes like an elephants poop." He said standing up with his arms crossed. The woman finished vomiting and stared at Emily, "NO.... It tastes like an elephant's poop which he ate and then vomited and then ate the vomit and vomited again!"

"Look, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, it must be your taste buds! My parents really loved it! You must not like good lemonade! The store made ones are terrible!" Emily said now standing up opening her hand.

The couple looked horrified, "Excuse you? You expect us to pay you after you have given us this disgusting drink? This tastes like a 2-year-old made it!" they said as they started to walk off. Emily face turned red and she walked right up to them, "You are not going to pay me after I have provided a drink for you on a hot day? NASTY OR NOT YOU ARE PAYING ME THE RIGHTFUL PRICE!" she shouted as she held out her hand once again. The couple started jogging away now. Emily chased after them saying things like,


The couple continued to jog but faster. "I'M COUNTING TO THREE! HOW DARE YOU NOT PAY A KID! ON THREE I'M GOING TO SCREAM THAT YOU STOLE MONEY FROM ME! CUZ YOU TECHNICALLY DID!" She yelled. The couple began running fast across the road, on a hill, past the park and Emily got fed up. She cornered them.

"You have to only pay me $2! I will stop chasing you and let you be if you give me two dollars! How hard is that" She said. The couple were catching their breath as the man started to wheeze.

"Honey, just give her the money, it's two bucks for goodness sakes! She won't bother us, come one don 't be a tightwad and give the kid some cash!" The woman said as if it was his fault. The man shook his head and refused. Emily gave them a death stare

The man started to run but his girlfriend pinned him down and took his wallet. She took out a 10 dollar bill and gave it to her. Emily stopped looking creepy and took it sincerely.

"Finally! Wait you gave me extra money-" she began

"$8 to stay away from us! You are certainly one child we will never mess with again!" she said as she and her boyfriend took off.

Emily skipped back home panting and she flopped onto her stand.

"If this is what it takes to get a few bucks out of people, I'm going to need a drink!" she said going inside. Ella came outside to check on Emily and almost tripped over her own feet when she saw a crisp 10 dollar bill sitting in the jar. 

"What on earth! How did Emily get 10 customers in 20 minutes? That's a lot even for me! I-" Ella spoke to herself stumbling over her words. She thought for a minute when Emily came back outside.

"Hey, sis. Guess who already got 10 dollars?" she said sipping a coke can proudly. Ella shook her head and sighed.

"I-. I'm shocked. There's absolutely no way. I don't understand what you did and how you did it but I refuse to believe you got 10 customers who willingly paid for that!" Ella said throwing her hands and marching back inside. Emily shrugged casually and sipped on her coke. Ella didn't need to know the whole truth.

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