Chapter 2

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Emily raced back home and burst open the fridge to gather supplies. She rummaged through the cabinets creating a lot of noise. Mom came in surprised.

"Emily? What are you doing? if you're going to try to use the jugs to make some kind of musical instrument again I swear-" she started before Emily held up her hand. 

"Relax Mom, I'm just making lemonade. Promise" she said quickly getting back to work. Mom nodded and left. It's best not to question anything yet. Emily first grabbed a pitcher and a bunch of lemons which were barely ripe. She squeezed as much juice as she could which only made about one cup. Frustrated, she went to the bathroom and placed the squeezed lemons into the bathtub. She then proceeded to jump onto the lemons (her feet aren't the cleanest) and squeeze them that way. Much more juice was produced so she got a paper towel and soaked it up and then carried it to the pitcher where she wrung out the juice. A few pieces of paper towel were dropped into the pitcher. She then searched for sugar but found two jars with white powder. Being her lazy self she just decided to choose one at random and hoped it was sugar except the one she chose was salt and put 5 tablespoons of that stuff. Emily was unsure what to do next so she rustled through her room for her Aunt Rose's lemonade recipe. 

"Emily what are you doing? I am STILL trying to read!" Ella said annoyed. Emily continued searching while Ella was just staring at her.

"What on earth are you looking for that is sooo important which you can't do MUCH quieter?" Ella said still staring. Emily shrugged and rushed out of the room holding a piece of paper.

Ella shook her head sadly, "You spent 3 minutes looking for a tiny piece of paper!" and she continued reading.

Emily read the paper. Her aunt makes the best lemonade. One tray of ice cubes.  Well, she didn't have any ice cubes. So Emily took the tray and filled it with water and shoved it in the freezer. Then she put the freezer temperature really low so it would take a shorter time.

A mint leaf. Emily thought for a moment and searched the backyard. She didn't find one but she did find a green leaf which is particularly dirty. Emily put it in anyway. Emily isn't the smartest tool in the toolbox and she was still not satisfied with the amount of lemonade so she dumped the squeezed lemon skin in there so it looked better. Hmm, it doesn't look yellow, Emily thought. So she poured in water to fill the height but that made it even more clear. She added a couple of drops of food colouring. There we go! Time to stir she said happily. Once it was stirred, Emily poured two cups of that... um.... Stuff and called her parents into the kitchen.

"Hello, Mother and Father. I would be delighted if you tasted this rich, fine lemonade that I kindly fixed for you!" she said trying to act formal and posh as she held the two glasses.

Mom looked quite surprised at that. She is the house cook and was pretty sure this was the first time Emily made something

"Wow, Emily! So responsible for making us a drink! Though, what is that smell?" Mom said sniffing the air. Emily shrugged and suggested it was the garbage. She then handed them their glasses.

Dad plugged his nose, "oh that ith nasty! The smelth ith coming fum ta dwink!"

Dad is a VERY honest, tough and loving father to the twins. He is laid back, hardworking and is humorous. At inappropriate times too.

Mom tried to hide it as she took a sip. She turned red and then swallowed and turned a little green. She then coughed and threw up in her mouth. Ew. Dad didn't want to take a sip but Mom eyed him and he took a large gulp and swallowed. He turned purple and burped loudly. Mom kicked his shin.

"Gosh Emily! Why is this chunky!" Dad said as he tried to get something out of his mouth.

Emily eyed her parents, confused. "I doubt that it's chunky. It's been very well mixed."

"Emily! What on earth did you put in this lemonade?!" Mom said as she put her mouth under the sink tap and blasted water into it.

"Well, I did follow Aunt Rose's recipe, I put lemons, sugar, a leaf and ya. I'm guessing you don't like it." Emily said looking at her feet.

"Don't like it? We HATE it! Emily, I think it made us sick!" Dad said annoyed. Mom gave him a hard kick in the same shin and glared.

Emily sat down and buried her head in her arms, "Great, I spent my effort making disgusting lemonade that nobody will buy!"

"Sell this lemonade! Honey, NO! It's not disgusting it's just... interestingly flavoured," Mom said patting her on the back. Dad left the room because he thinks Emily should learn to take some criticism.

"I followed her recipe!" Emily said grumpily.

"Um... I'm sure Aunt Rose's recipe wasn't perfect, maybe her recipe wasn't the best, she was always a terrible cook," Mom said trying to cheer her up.

"Mom, don't lie, Aunt Rose's lemonade is legendary and delicious, I am a horrible cook!" Emily said.

"You're still young Em, you'll learn, shall I put this to its rightful place?" Mom said holding the jug. Emily stared at her. Then she slowly started grinning.

"Wait one minute... are you tricking me into telling me that I did horribly even though it tastes good so I can learn to take criticism? My lemonade is delicious, isn't it? This was all an act! Dad would've thrown up too if it was real plus he walked right out of the room looking fine as if nothing happened! I know your tricks Mom! You've always been an awful liar," Emily said pouring the leftover lemonade BACK into the pitcher. Mom shook her head and tried to say she wasn't joking.

"Honey, I'm serious it really is n-" she began

"Nope MOM! I am selling my lemonade! Thanks for being critical on me and testing me! Now I know how to deal with fake people out there!" she said skipping away.

Mom sat down in the living room and shook her head. She wasn't going to bother trying to stop her. If it makes Emily happy raising money than why not. As long as she doesn't have to get involved in this. What's the worst that could happen anyway?

Emily went back into her room and searched for supplies to make her stand. Ella looked up from her book reluctantly and groaned as she slammed the book down and sunk into the beanbag.

"Emilyyyyyy. What are you doing now?" she whined as she closed her eyes. Emily placed her stuff on her bed and turned around.

"First you're upset that I'm not doing anything and now you're upset because I am doing something?" she said crossing her arms. Ella opened her mouth and then closed it.

"I'm not upset because of what you're doing, I'm upset of the noise you're making! I can't concentrate! What are you even doing?" Ella asked raising an eyebrow. Emily's eyes lit up.

"Oooh, so basically I'm going to be doing something productive and fun and worthwhile of my time by... wait. How do I know that you won't steal my idea for your own?" she said suspiciously.

Ella threw hands, "Really Em? Just tell me!" 

Emily sighed, "Ok fine, I want to make a lemonade stand and sell it to make money. Maybe I'll use it to buy an iPad or something." she said gathering more supplies.

"Ooh that's a cool idea! What brand are you using? Dad didn't seem to like it at all" Ella questioned. Emily raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not using a brand, I made my own. How do you know dad didn't like it?"

Ella's eyes widened, "You made your OWN? Oh Em this isn't a good idea at all" she exclaimed. Emily looked offended, "Uh yes it is a good idea? homemade lemonade is the best especially if it's Aunt Rose's lemonade!"

"Em, Dad literally walked past the room looking green and muttering something about demonic lemonade?? Did you give him some?" Ella said getting worried for her sister.

"yes I did in fact, and they secretly loved it even if they didn't say it to my face! Dad's just joking, he wanted to teach me about criticism" she said gathering the rest of her things. Ella grabbed her sister's hand,

"Emily, I'm serious. You're going to poison everyone in the neighbourhood! Please don't." she pleaded. The last thing she wanted was Emily to make a fool of herself and the family. However, Emily wasn't buying it and pulled her hand off,

"You're just jealous. Watch me make loads of money!" she said and walked off. Ella closed her eyes and flopped onto her bed. Oh dear

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