Chapter 8

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Ella was starting to get hot and sweaty. The blazing sun was roasting her skin which was begging her to go inside.  Not Yet! I have to win for my sister's sake! 

So she got a party cannon from who knows where and poppied it which caught everyone's attention. She stood on top her the table and shouted "Hello fellow neighbours! I'm selling lemonade only for one dollar, please stop by for a tasty drink!!" Many nodded and started to walk towards her stand. 

Emily glared at Ella and wondered where she got a party cannon from. Either way, she couldn't let Ella take all the customers so she too stood on the chair and yelled, "I sell lemonade too! It's pretty good!" A line of 6 people lined up at Ella's table while 2 went up to Emily.

The group of 6 smiled as they licked their lips drinking the lemonade. "Mmm this very delicious!!" said one. A few tipped Ella with another dollar.

Emily's stand didn't go so well. The two adults that chugged their drank immediately spat it out onto the sidewalk. Emily's face dropped.

"It's not possible that EVERYONE hates my lemonade. Not one person loved it. Besides that kid.    Maybe the sun varied the taste." she said trying to cheer herself up. For some reason, Ella's lemonade was a big hit. Emily denied once again that her lemonade tasted bad. Once again, she thought up of a new excuse that the taste of Ella's lemonade somehow changed the taste negatively on Emily's lemonade. She followed her Aunt Rose's recipe right, it couldn't have gone wrong. 

After some time, Emily wants to try her sisters 'amazing' lemonade, for research purposes of course.  She waited in a line of around 10 people. Ella was surprised that Emily was in her line.

"Hello, how many cups would y-. Emily? What are you doing here?" she asked suspiciously. Emily gave her a poker face for good measure.

"Nothing. I just wanted to try some lemonade. It's for business reasons, just to see if yours is as good as mine." said Emily swiftly. Ella wasn't buying it. She gave her a back-off look and pushed her to the side. Emily shrugged and added before slowly walking off, "alright, if you don't want more money..." that got Ella's attention.

"What do you mean money? You aren't going to pay!" she said in dismay. Emily nodded. Ella squinted her eyes at her furiously. I know she is up to something. But I am already way ahead of the game so why not, She thought. Ella sighed and handed her a cup full. Emily took it and smelled it. Ella raised an eyebrow at her before walking back to her stand.

Emily closed her eyes and drank the lemonade. Her eyes widened in surprise and she licked her lips discreetly. This is the best lemonade I've tasted! Well, I'm sure mine is better. I better not show any expressions, she thought. She discarded the cup and put on a poker face again. Ella looked over to Emily and gave her gesture pointing to the cup. Emily nodded formally and ended the conversation.

Emily's sneaky plan commenced when Ella headed inside for a washroom break. She waited until there was nobody around which only took 30 seconds (I mean if Ella isn't selling, I wouldn't buy from Emily either). She snuck over to the other side of the street towards Ella's stand, stole one of her lemonade jugs and sprinted back to her stand. Emily placed it under her table and added some ice cubes to it. She sat outside, poured Ella's lemonade in a cup and walked around the block, giving people a free sample. A few teens took it and agreed to pass on the message. Emily sat on her fancy couch and relaxed. Only 3 minutes later, Emily had people coming from every direction. They saw Emily and started back away but Emily called out 

"I promise that this lemonade tastes great. I can make amazing lemonade." the people looked at one another and started to walk away. Emily sighed and called out again, "Ok ok, If it's bad, I'll promise to give your money back!" The pedestrians slowly walked towards Emily. A girl around the same age as Emily shakily took a cup and squeezed her eyes and she drank it. The girls' eyes widened in surprise and she chugged the rest. The girl put her change into the money box and licked her lips. Then more customers started to come and enjoy the lemonade. Emily felt like she accomplished something and was happy. She did feel a pang of guilt that she was actually Ella's lemonade but they were sisters and sisters are supposed to share, right? She stole another jug though.

Ella came out and saw a huge line of people in front of Emily's stand and almost fell backwards. She rubbed her eyes and walked up to Emily. "WHaaa?? How... where... when... you... lem.. No" Ella stuttered. Emily smiled at her and simply exclaimed, "don't doubt your sister." Ella felt her legs wobble. There was NO way anyone liked HER lemonade! It was too sudden. Almost like magic...

Ella stared at her sister suspiciously as she sat in her chair. She was trying to come up with a plan on how Emily managed this! No one attended her stand because their house was closer to the park. Emily was very happy collecting all that money and had made almost 50 dollars in an hour! Unfortunately, all of Emily's lemonade has run out and there was still a couple of people at her stand. Emily panicked and hid the rest of her jars. She knew that the people in her neighbourhood had different taste buds and wouldn't like her lemonade.

"Uhh see, we've run out on the high-quality lemonade. My other lemonade has been affected by the sun and is warm," she said biting her lip. Everyone looked disappointed but they were thirsty so they wanted Emily's other lemonade. Emily's ears perked up and she gladly poured 3 glasses of her chunky rotten lemonade. The three people chugged it and then turned a shade of the rainbow. One held her mouth and tried not to puke, another spat it out onto the tarmac which was now covered in puke. It looked like art from an angle. The last spit it back in the cup and gave it to Emily and looked sick. The rest of the line ran away and Emily sat there feeling sad. She couldn't understand why no one besides her parents loved her lemonade.

Ella saw everyone leave Emily's stand and suddenly she jumped from her seat. She checked underneath her table and found one jug missing and another chunky looking one. Ella's faced turned from confusion into anger and she knew exactly what her so-called 'sister' did. She stomped across the street and slammed her hand on the table. Emily looked shocked.

"EMILY!!! You big fat cockroach! You thought you get away with it, didn't you? You had a lot of nerve to come up here and sabotage my lemonade! How dare you take my lemonade and sell it to everyone as if it was yours!" she yelled as her face was beet red. Emily was genuinely scared of her sister. There were very rare times Ella blew up at her like this. Emily backed away in fear for her life.

"Well see for some reason, your lemonade seemed to make everyone come to your table so I thought that if I sold your lemonade, people like me more and try to come to my table even though it seems like no one likes my lemonade!" she said not even risking to lie. Ella's steam hasn't cooled yet and she was still red.

"Do you want to know why your lemonade scares everyone? Because it's terrible! It tastes like poop, it can probably give anyone who drinks it diseases and it's chunky! It's chunkier than a smoothie! And a smoothie is meant to be chunky!" she said truthfully. She wasn't going to hide it anymore. Emily needed a real lesson of criticism. Emily's face looked shocked and offended. 

"I know you keep saying that but it's not even true! You haven't tried it!" she said getting a little angry herself.

"YOU HAVEN'T TRIED IT" Ella screamed. Emily eyes widened and stopped talking. She knows not to mess with her sister at times like these. She'll have to wait to try to reason with Ella. 

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