Chapter 9

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From Samantha's garden, Samantha was watching the two scream at each other. She didn't meant to spy on them, but heard noises and wasn't too shocked to see her best friends about to kill each other. Grace and Ava were coincidently there too, Ava was hanging out with Samantha and Grace was just walking by but decided to stop at Samantha's house. Grace and Ava looked very shocked at what was happening.

"I didn't think siblings fought that much. Especially twins! They don't even seem like siblings when they are arguing like that. Well besides that fact that they look identical," Grace muttered as she observed the two. Ava nodded solemnly, "There is so much tension between them. I understand siblings fight but this seems a bit much. Ella never gets that angry usually." 

Samantha shrugged, " I don't have siblings but I do know that siblings fight a lot. It's normal. It's different for every family but since those two only have each other, things can get heated. They'll grow up eventually. For now, it's funny to see them fight." 

Grace and Ava looked in awe at Samantha, "wow you sound so wise!" Samantha chuckled and went back to gardening, "You know what I call them sometimes? The Tension Twins. You can almost feel the anger and tension between them! Although I'd never say it to their face, they're my best friends and I don't want to upset them" 

Ava laughed, "Yeah that's a great name! Aw, I love them despite their flaws. We all show a different side sometimes but that doesn't change who they are inside." Grace shrugged, "I mean it kind of is who they are, they have been fighting since I known them. They both have a very vicious side. Kind of creepy"

Samantha and Ava stared at her. Isn't she just the most positive person. They forgot about her comment when Emily started to run away.

"Where are you going Emily? Running away isn't going to make you win!" Ella cried throwing her hands. Emily's eyes were glossy, she hated criticism especially when it wasn't true. Emily couldn't handle Ella actually winning this argument so she stood up and headed to their neighbour's house. 

Emily glared at her twin with anger and agony, "I can make money in different ways. The rules didn't say how I had to make the money!" and with that, she stomped off. Ella shook her head and ignored her sister. She was still ahead by 30 dollars and Ella sat down and continued selling. She spotted Grace, Samantha and Ava hanging out and looking at her. Ella was very surprised.

"Grace?? I thought you said you couldn't come today? You said you were invited to lunch!" Ella exclaimed as anger started to bubble again in her blood. Grace came down toward her table and explained, "Yes I did. But it's 4:15 and I came back 15 minutes ago. Lunch ended a while ago,"

Ava and Samantha looked back and forward between them. Looks like the twins weren't the only ones fighting and having tension today.

Ella didn't realize what the time was. She was very shocked when she realized she missed lunch! And Mom didn't remind them! Well, I guess if it was peace and quiet at home, I wouldn't remind my kids to come inside again to eat." Ella pulled out a sandwich she packed earlier and started eating. She pulled out her book and started reading. She didn't want to talk to Grace right now anyway.

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