Chapter 6

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Outside, Emily miraculously had another customer. It was two children with their mother wanting to buy a drink. Emily stood up and advertised, "Good afternoon young ones. Care for some ice cold and fresh lemonade?" she said as she shook the jug. The jug was warm, however.

"Um yes, my kids would like a small glass each please." the mother said as one of the kids was eyeing the vomit on the sidewalk.

"Yikes umm, please hold for a second, I want to make it extra cold for you," Emily said rushing inside. She yanked open the fridge, took the whole tray of ice cubes and dumped them all in the jug. She stuck it in the freezer for two minutes before coming outside.

"Here you go ma'am nice and cold," she said pouring it in two cups. The kids drank it in small sips and made a face. The eldest who looked like an 8-year-old boy gave a disgusted face and spewed it back into his cup. "Mom, this lemonade tastes like barf!" he said wiping his mouth.

The other girl looked around 6 years old and she made a slight face at first but drank the whole thing licking her lips. "Mommy, this tastes almost like my homemade grape berry juice!" she said smiling.

The mother looked horrified. "What?! Oh my, if it tastes like your homemade grape berry juice, this must be terrible! Let me take a sip" she said as she took a sip. Her face turned different shades of green before spewing it into her son's cup. "Oh dear, this is terrible! Did you make this yourself?" she asked. Emily nodded nervously confused as to why they don't like it. The little girl liked it. This proved the fact that her lemonade was good despite most people not liking it.

"Dear, this tastes disgusting! Haven't you tried yourself before selling it? I'm sorry I cannot pay you for this sickening drink! I think my stomach has bloated and my kids might turn into lemons for drinking this gross liquid!" she said walking off. She took the cups from her kids and put it on the table and started to walk away. The girl lip was trembling and started to bawl. "MOMMY! I LIKED THAT DRINK! I COULD HAVE USED IT TO FEED MY DOLLIES!"

Emily smiled and held out two glasses. The mom rolled her eyes, paid 4 dollars for four drinks and gave one to her daughter who happily skipped away.

. . .

Ella meanwhile was stirring her drinks in the kitchen. It took an hour to make a few jugs of lemonade and Ella was finally done and completely calm. Nothing like making nice drinks to cool down one's anger. Emily had only got two more customers after that and was sweating outside.

Emily went inside and saw Ella's anger smoothie next to Ella who was now reading at the table.

"Ooh deep red colour! You must've been furious!" she said looking at Ella, taking a sip, "ooh this is good but not as good as my lemonade!"

Ella stared at her in dismay, "Em! You haven't even tried your lemonade!"

Emily took another sip and responded, "I don't need to taste it to know that it's amazing! I bet you're jealous and know you can't top my drink!"

"uhuh, I am nowhere near jealous. I'm content knowing that I can relax on this beautiful day."

"Sureeee. Aren't you supposed to meet up with your friends today? Pff did they ditch you or something?" Emily said stirring the drink. Ella's anger rose and her cheeks became flushed.

"Why does that matter to you anyway? I am reading an exciting book right now so if you could please stop annoying me." she said averting her eyes back to her book. Emily rolled her eyes at the thought of books.

"Ew. Books. I was just asking, if you are really bored you can help me sell lemonade. for like 5% of the money though because I really need to save up." Emily said. 

"Pff as if I'm helping you make lemonade. You're selling vomit in a jug and probably made a bad impression on the neighborhood. If anything, I would sell my own lemonade"

"It isn't vomit! It's delicious and you can't say anything if you haven't tried it! You couldn't make better lemonade if you tried anyway. I don't need you" Emily said getting up and putting away the smoothie.

Ella put down her book (which was rare). "I bet I can make lemonade wayyyy better than what poison you made!"

Emily looked offended as she raised her voice, "SuRe YoU cOuLd. Fine. I'll make you a deal. Whoever makes the most money by sundown today has the BEST lemonade."

"I don't want to sell lemonade. It's a waste of time and I rather read. I don't need to win to prove that yours is disgusting." Ella said closing her book and standing up. Emily shrugged,

"Okay then, you lose, I win and therefore I have the greatest lemonade. You can't change my mind!" Emily said tauntingly as she walked away. Ella groaned and threw her head back,

"oKAY! FINE. I'll sell my stupid lemonade and I'll prove to you that yours is disgusting! I'll even let you keep the money you made so far!" she said walking to the fridge and pulling out two jugs of lemonade. Emily's face went from a smirk to shock.

"Wow, what go you so angry that you already made that much lemonade" she muttered to herself as she ran outside. There was no way her sister could beat her. Right?

The Thirsty Games have begun. May the odds be ever in your favour.

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