Chapter 14

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Emily and Ella decided to spend the day together. Be each other's best friends. Because that's who your twin is, forever your best friend. The one who will never leave you and the one who is always there for you through the light and the dark. Ella told Emily about Grace and Lea (she didn't need to hear from Lea to know that they weren't friends anymore). Emily's face was full of concern, how could someone not want to be friends with Ella out of all people?

"I don't understand El. You are one of the best people I know. You are made to be a good friend. Who would just throw that away." 

Ella gave a sad smile, "I don't know. I didn't expect it. It hit my like a bus, I was speechless and couldn't form words which is rare. Luckily Sam and Ava helped me. They're always there for me." 

Emily shook her head, "Yeah they are amazing. But don't listen to Grace. She's just being mean. And probably jealous. Don't keep being friends with someone who makes you sad, or who makes you try too hard to be friends. Friends are supposed to be someone you trust, someone you know who is always there for you. Someone who understands you and values you." she said holding her sister. 

Ella whimpered a little and let a tear run down her face, "You keep surprising me Em. But thank you. I don't deserve her. Friends are people like Sam and Ava. And Charlotte. They tell me how much they appreciate me a lot. They stick with me. They value me. But no friend can top you Em. You are my sister, my twin and my best friend. You've been with me my entire life. Well except those first 2 minutes. But you love me still even when we fight. And with you maturing and acting more grown up, I am forever grateful. Thanks for always being there for me Em."

Emily's eyes were shiny and her lip was trembling slightly, "and Thank you Ella. For putting up with my awful behavior. I want to try to be the best version of myself. Not right away though, because as someone said, we shouldn't grow up too fast". They hugged.

Mom had listened to half this conversation from the doorway and was silently crying. All she wanted was to have her girls be friends. Now it was finally happening. 

. . .

At around 7:25, Dad had returned from his 'Bro's Day' and jogged back home. He fell over when he saw what became of their yard. Their sidewalk was painted in splotches of color, only since it was dark it looked like one huge pile of vomit. The old lemonade  was half spilled and half on the table rotting, the tablecloth was half on the table and half flying in the wind. Ella had attempted to drag Dad's table closer to Emily's and it was covered in mess. The bottom of the Stand was scratched and scuffed and dented from being dragged. Someone had even egged their yard! 

Dad gave out a loud groan/scream. A very manly scream. The twins raced to their window to see Dad on the ground trying to make sense of what happened. 

"Oh no!" said Emily.

"Did we forget to clean up?" Ella asked worried viewing the mess.

"I think he's mad because I used a fancy couch from inside!" 

"I think he's mad because I used his table he was working on!"

"I think he's mad because I SOLD the fancy couch from inside!"

"You WHAT?! Why the heck would you do that!" Ella said staring at Emily.

"I needed more cash and I was desperate! I panicked! I only got like 5 dollars from it anyway" she exclaimed.

They both raced outside to find not only Dad but Mom looking tired and puzzled.

"Girls! I don't know where to start!" Mom said staring at outside. Dad was hyperventilating. He loved his yard very dearly.

"How about we start cleaning up! Before my lawn is permanently ruined!" Dad exclaimed. 

"How about we start on what the heck happened out here!?" Mom asked. Dad turned to her and gave her a slight glare.

"First clean. Then talk" he said firmly. Mom shook her head and put her hands on her hip.

"Honey, it's dark out and almost 8pm. I think we all had a long day and I say we clean tomorrow. You wake up at 6am if you really want" Dad muttered something indistinguishable under his breath as he walked inside in defeat. Emily and Ella opened their mouth to say something but stopped when Mom glared at them before also walking inside.

"Oh boy, we're in for a treat" Emily muttered to Ella. 

Ella nodded.

They both went to bed feeling over the moon and also worried. 

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