Chapter 5

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Ella went into the living room and retrieved her iPod. She wasn't allowed to have a phone until she was 13 so an iPod was the alternative for now. She had plans to meet up with her group of friends, Grace and Lea. All three of them were also friends with Ava and Charlotte but Ella specifically wanted to meet Grace and Lea to try to get their friendship back to a good level.  Grace and Lea were the friends she knew for the longest, almost 5 years. Ava and Charlotte were newer friends, whom she only had known for almost 2 years but was much closer to them now. Grace and Lea and her were drifting apart for some reason lately which is why she wasn't surprised to see that they texted her letting her know they weren't going to be here.

'Hey Ella, turns out I'm invited for lunch somewhere so I can't make it. Maybe next time?' - Grace

"My friend invited me to go see a new movie today which I cannot miss! Sorrrryyy' - Lea

Ella looked at the messages and her face dropped. So much for a nice girls day. She didn't want the friendship to end, they used to be the best of friends and talked about everything. Now they barely came to get togethers and rather hang out with the cool kids. What happened to her best friends? 

She dropped her iPad and marched into the kitchen, grabbed a blender, shoved the plug in the socket, threw in a bunch of fruit and slammed the blend button. She had tears in her eyes and was making what she calls an 'angry smoothie'. It was dad's idea.

Dad came in looking concerned and saw Ella's face and the blender, "That's my girl! Now that is how you control your anger! Keep it up!" he exclaimed looking pleased with his parenting. Ella didn't reply and kept on adding random fruit. Mom jogged in looking shocked,

"Ella! What are you doing!" she exclaimed running over to the blender. Ella was now adding blueberries and mango when she said, "Making an anger smoothie obviously!"

"Ella, you can't just add random fruit and make a random drink and put in peels!" she said trying to close the fridge. Ella ignored her. "Honey, this isn't how you deal with anger! Dad isn't right about everything!"

"But I don't FEEL like talking about it!" she shouted now grabbing a large piece of watermelon. Mom snatched it away from her, "Ella. You can't keep wasting fruit. You're not even making a drinkable substance and it's a waste of money" she said firmly. 

Ella sighed as the blender slowed down to a stop and took out the peels. She swished it around, popped a straw in a took a gulp-full of it. Mom looked horrified but Ella swallowed and licked her lips.

"Mmm, this is actually really good. Who knew that adding almost every fruit in the fridge would make such a nice drink! Try it" she said shaking the glass in front of her face. Mom raised an eyebrow and reluctantly took a sip,

"I-. wow this is really good. I didn't expect this to be made from you jamming fruit in. Maybe you should make these more often" she said chugging the glass. 

"See, it is a good method! Well sometimes. Anyway I'm now going to go write in my journal" Ella said cleaning the counter. Mom's face brightened.

"Now that is a good mechanism for coping with anger. You can always talk about it with me if you want. Oh my, you should make Emily sell this instead, it's much much much better!" she said in awe as she left the room.

Ella thought about it and stared at her jug. It was only half full now she there's no chance she could replicate it. But maybe she could just make lemonade. It's refreshing and bound to taste good every time. Not to sell of course, but just to take her mind off things. Ella took her bike and cycled to the grocery store for some ingredients 

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