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Y/N and Five realized their height difference and looked down to their body.

Their outfits that once fit their body's were way loose fit, and their hands were smaller. Y/N's chest was smaller. 

They looked towards each other, seeing 13 year olds. 

"Gah! Five, you dickhead! You screwed up the equations!" She hit his shoulder. "Shit!" He groaned.

Even prettier when she was younger. He thought to himself. She thought the same thing, but didnt acknowledge it, and brushed the thought away. 

"Who the hell is that?" Luther questioned as his younger brother and the mysterious girl brushed past them inside.

The siblings, and Y/N stood (and sat) in the kitchen watching Five take out a wooden cutting board. "Whats the date?" Y/N asked looking at the 5 people in front of her.

The smallest spoke up, "The 24th,"

"Of what?" Five's voice had annoyance in it. "March." The girl answered again. "Good."

The kitchen was silent as Five took out a knife. "So are we going to talk about what just happened?" The blonde asked, glancing between Five and Y/N.

Again, it was silent.

"Its been 17 years." Luther said, making Y/N snort from the side. He glared at her with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Its been a lot longer than that." Five scowled at him in annoyance, teleporting behind Luther grabbing the bread. "Havent missed that." Luther said as Five jumped back in front of the table.

"Where'd you go?" The tan man asked him. "The future, its shit by the way." He told them, placing two pieces of bread onto the cutting board.

"Called it!" The drunken man sitting atop of the table raised his finger with pride. Y/N chuckled at the man with black eyeliner smudged under his eyes.

"Should've listened to the old man. You know, jumping trough space is one thing, but jumping through time is a toss of the dice." The raven-haired boy took the peanut butter out of the fridge, slamming it shut.

Vanya's thoughts swarmed her head, "Wait, h-how did you get back?" She asked. 

"Well-" Five started, but Y/N put a hand over his mouth, making him roll his eyes. "In the end, he had to project our conscienceless forward into a suspended quantum state version of ourselfs that exists across every possible instance of time." She stated with a grin. 

"Whos the know-it-all know, Five?" She removed her hand from his mouth. He scowled at her, smearing the peanut butter on the bread.

"That makes no sense." Diego stated, "It would if you were smarter." Five grinned. The tan man lunged towards Five vigorously. 

Luther held the man back with his arm. "How long were you gone?" The large man asked. "45 years - give or take." 

Diego and Luther quickly sat down realizing the situation. "W-what are you saying? Your 58?" 

"No - my consinceness is 58. Apparently my body is now 13 again." 

"Im just 32." Y/N said awkwardly. 

Five placed the plain piece of bread over the marshmallow and peanut butter covered piece of bread and walked over to a calendar on the fridge.

"Delores kept saying the equations were wrong. Bet shes laughing now." Five took a bite of the sandwich. "I told you!" Y/N threw a spoon towards him, hitting him in the leg. 

He groaned and walked back to the table, "Delores?" Vanya asked. 

"Guess I missed the funeral." Five ignored the question picking up the newspaper that was on the table. "How'd you know about that?" Luther asked dumbly.

Y/N was getting extremely annoyed. She placed her feet against the wall, walking on the ceiling, over to where Luther was. "Sorry to inturrupt, but what part of the future do you not understand?"

"What the- How did you do that?" He asked dumbfound. Both Five and her rolled their eyes, "Ability to stick to and climb walls and other surface. Im basically like spiderman... but without the webs and stuff." She said.

"Were you born on October 1st? 1989?" He questioned. "Yea." She shrugged walking back on the ceiling to her spot, onto the floor.

"Nice to see nothings changed." Five clicked his tongue walking out of the room.

"Thats all you have to say?"

"What else is there to say? Circle of life!" He called out. 

"Well that was interesting. Whos the girl?" Luther asked. "Her names Y/N, and shes still here." She crossed her arms over each other.

He gasped , "What do you have to do with our brother?" He towered over the girl that had a dull expression on her face.

"Im Five's partner? " She stated.

"That is... " Klaus started, "Just wow. Are you guys an item? How long have you two been working together?" 

"No... and we've worked together many times. I'd say about 7-8 years maybe? Now, Im going to find Five now. And get some new clothes." She slipped off her large heels, walking out of the kitchen after Five.

"Ah, shit." She said when she didnt see Five anywhere around the large mansion. She quickly found her way to his room, closing the door right as she opened it. 

"God Five!" 

"Okay, okay, im done." He groaned, adjusting the tie to the umbrella academy uniform he had worn so long ago.

Y/N turned around and snorted at the boy. "Look at you!" She giggled, looking at his childish outfit. "I wouldnt laugh if I were you." He glared at her.

"And why's that, oldie?"

"First you cant call me that anymore, and second... you have to wear it too."

Y/N groaned and threw her head back. "Oh, fuck me!" 

The Two Assassins ; Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now