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"That was fast." Five placed the energizing drink on the counter in front of him.

"Lets make this quick. On your feet and come with us. They want to talk." The man had the gun pointed to Y/N's head.

"We've got nothing to say." Y/N turned her chair looking at the man in front of her with a cheeky grin.

"This doesnt have to go this way. You think I want to shoot two kids? Go home with that on my consciousness?" The man gripped the gun tighter.

"Aw, how cute." Y/N chuckled, sliding her finger along the cold metal of the gun.

"I wouldnt worry about that... " Five traced his slender finger on a butter knife besides him. "You wont be going home." Y/N smiled to the man.

"Time for some fun." She mumbled.

Five grabbed the knife, and teleported behind the man, stabbing him in the neck. The blood splattered on Y/N's face. "Five, what the hell!" She wiped the blood from her lip. 

"Whoops." He shrugged , spatial jumping away.

The men fired shots everywhere, towards Y/N and Five. 

Y/N stood onto the ceiling, snapping a mans neck, upside down. "Bye bye!" She waved to the man beside the dead body on the ground. 

She walked behind another man, who shot at the ceiling, making a hole. She grabbed a pen from a nearby table stabbing him in the eye. Again, the blood splattered on her face.


Five teleported behind her, grabbing her arm, and teleporting both of them to a nearby table. He laid on his side, resting on his elbow. Y/N stuck her hands to the ceiling, hanging behind him. "Hey assholes!" They called in unison.

They shot, and both of them teleported behind the men. Five took his tie off, wrapping it around the mans neck, killing him.

Y/N took a gun from the ground, and pointed it to the last guy. "Hello!" She said as he turned around. She shot the man multiple times, dropping the gun back onto the ground. 

The warm, thick liquid dripping down her face, leaving a red trail down her cheek. "You got a little something." Five took his thumb, rubbing it against her cheek, smearing the blood.

Y/N put her hand over his, and glanced at his lips.

His face turned a shade of dark red as she leaned in towards him with a smirk.

He looked down at her lips, also leaning in as well. Their lips were millimeters apart, and they could feel each other's breath on their face.

She leaned in a bit more, and turned her head to the side, letting go of Five's hand. 

"Oh Five, will you ever learn?" She teased walking over to a man groaning on the ground.

She snapped his neck with ease, spotting a green flashing light beside him. She picked it up, seeing two red dots appear on the screen.

"Get me a knife, please." She sat down at the bar, examining the tracker.

Five handed her the knife, watching her roll up the sleeve. She pointed the knife to her skin.

Five watched as her hand started to shake, causing the knife to shake as well. "Let me do it." He grabbed the knife, pointing it to her forearm.

Slowly, the knife dug into her skin and the blood gushed from her arm. She winced at the pain.

He removed the knife, and held his finger above the cut. Almost touching the wound, Y/N slapped his hand away, "I'll do it." She insisted.

She stuck her fingers in the cut, digging around her arm. Finally, she found the green, beeping tracker, and examined it. "Gross."

"Your turn, Mr.Hargreeves." She handed him the knife. 

He wiped it off with a napkin, quickly cutting his skin. He dug around in the cut, and pulled out the tracker. 

"GROSS." She fake gagged, "You did it too." He scoffed, "But my blood didnt gush like that..."

He shrugged and pulled down his sleeve. The assassin shook her head in disappointment. "You know, for the 'Number 1' assassin, you sure are pretty dumb." She crossed her arms over each other. 

"Could say the same to you," He grabbed the tie from the mans neck, slipping it over his head.

Y/N walked over to him, adjusting his tie, and tightening it. She folded the collared shirt down, and patted his shoulder. "Lets get going, shall we?" She walked towards the door with him.

Outside the cafe' was the car they drove here, and a motorcycle. A nice one at that. "How fun," She remembered the motorcycle she road at the Commission. "Ill take this." She smiled, slipping the helmet over her head. 

"Meet me at Vanya's." Five said, "Got it, partner." She saluted him, slipping the helmet back on.


Five and Y/N sat in Vanya's appartment. Y/N stood on the ceiling like a vampire, lurking on Five. Vanya's key's hitting eachother made a clinging sound, alerting Five and Y/N she was here. Five held his hand on the lamp. When she walked in, he turned it on, startling the girl.

"Gah! Five!"

"You should have locks on your windows." He remarked.

"I live on the second floor."
"Rapist's can climb. And they totally would, you are gorgeous." Y/N said dangling behind her. "Gah! Y/N? What are you doing here?" She turned around at the girl, watching her walk down her wall, towards Five. "I just came with Five."

Vanya sighed, and set her keys down, taking off her jacket. Y/N stood next to Five's chair, as Vanya sat in the couch in front of them. She glanced at their arms seeing blood and a Y/N drowned in it, "Is that blood?" She questioned. "No its jelly," Y/N blurted out. "Its nothing." 

"Why are you here?" The violinist questioned, "Ive decided you are the only one I can trust. You and Y/N."

"Why me?"
"Because your ordinary." Five said. Y/N slapped his head harshly, "Because you'll listen." He corrected.

Vanya sat up, and walked to her bathroom.

"I feel like puking after seeing you dig out that tracker." Y/N said. "They arent tracking us anymore are they?" He raised an eyebrow with his sarcastic comment.

Y/N rolled her eyes.

Vanya walked back out with a armful of medical supplies. She placed them on the table as Five rolled up his sleeve. "Uh-uh-uh, ladies first, Mr.Hargreeves." She pushed his arm, sitting down on his lap.

Five became flustered at the position, widening his eyes. Vanya did the same as Y/N rolled up her sleeve.

She removed the cloth that had been put on her cut, pouring alcohol on a cotton pad. She cleaned around the cut, and Y/N winced at the sting it left.

Vanya whispered a small sorry every time she winced.

Vanya finished bandaging her cut, and she expected the H/C girl to move from Five's lap, but to Five and Vanya's surprise she stayed.

Five sighed and held his arm out to Vanya.

The girl rested her head on Five's shoulder. He tensed up, slowly accepting her touch.

"When I got stuck in the future... " He looked up to Vanya, "Do you know what I found?"
She shook her head no.

"Nothing... " Five glanced at the sleepy girl on his lap. "Absolutely nothing." The brunette boy sighed, remembering the day he got stuck.

"As far as I could tell I was the only one left alive. I never figured out what kills the human race, but I did find out one thing. The day it happens."

He reached his free hand up to caress Y/N's hair, trying to relax himself as well as her.

"The world ends in eight days,

And I have no idea how to stop it."

"Ill put on a pot of coffee." Vanya stated.

The Two Assassins ; Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now