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Five gave the cab driver the address he had received from the Ishmaels Towing guy, and quickly they arrived. Gimbel Brothers.

Five took Y/N's hand, teleporting them inside the store.

"So im guessing your getting Dolores?" The girl grabbed a flashlight, tossing it to Five. He caught it, turning it on. "Were." He corrected the girl.

"Oh, were  getting Dolores. Okay." She smiled, grabbing another flashlight for herself.

Catching up with Five, she shinned her flashlight through different isle's. She knew that she was a maniquin by the way Five used to describe her. "Shiny like plastic, rubber..." Prety much gave it away.

"That her?" Y/N asked, shinning to a mannequin with a black and white dotted shirt on. He nodded and walked with her.

She stopped near a clothing rack, letting Five have his alone time with the love of his life.

She heard faint voices inside the store, and stuck her head out from behind the rack of clothing. Seeing Cha-Cha and Hazel slipping on their masks with giant guns in their hands made her shake in her shoes.

Slowly she turned the flashlight off, and crept to Five.



"Five, theyre here... " Y/N grabbed his flashlight turning it off.


The masked assassins showed up behind Dolores, not daring to spare a second, they started shooting towards the couple. "NO!" Five yelled, staying in place. 

Y/N grabbed Five's hand, and pulled him down to the ground behind another clothing rack. "Shit, its them." He pecked his head out, then back to looking at Y/N.

"I told you that, dickhead." Y/N scoffed.

Five let go of Y/N's hand, and ran out from behind the rack. "Five what the hell?" She yelled, watching him frantically grab Dolores and come back. "Five, you couldve gotten killed!" She grabbed the boy's shoulders, shaking him lightly.

"Ill be right back for you," He talked to Dolores. 

The two assassins gave each other a nod, signaling them to go off their separate ways. Y/N went for Cha-cha, while Five ran through isle's, looking for a weapon.

Y/N turned invisible, coming up behind Cha-Cha. 

She tugged on her mask, and Cha-Cha frantically shot behind her, trying to find who was touching her.

Y/N teleported away towards Five, and turned visible again. "Freaked out Cha-Cha, what are you doing?" She ran with him, "Weapons..."

He turned his head, spotting gardening tools. "Those look fun," Y/N grabbed a sharp shovel, swipping it in the air. "Use this," She tossed it to him. Probably not the best idea since it sliced his hand. "SHIT! Im so sorry!" She examined the cut. 

Luckily it was on his bad hand. "Its fine, take one for yourself, and try not to die." He teleported away, and soon she did too.

Teleporting to Cha-Cha, she slashed the shovel, she cut her arm, making her scream in pain. Cha-Cha turned around, and shot at the girl.

Y/N turned invisible, teleporting to Five. Who was rushing down an isle with Delores and a large bag. 

She look his good hand, gripping onto it tightly as they ran through the store. Hazel and Cha-Cha shot from behind them, barley grazing past them. As he tried to teleport away, they almost felt stuck in time. His lack of energy restricted him from using his powers, "Shit!" 

A large shelf appeared in front of them, stopping them in their tracks. They both jumped over it, steadying themself on their feet.

Before they could run, they were stopped by the shinning of the masked assassin's flashlights. "Shit..." Y/N whispered, gripping Five's hand tighter than before.

Holding their finger on the trigger, they were about to shoot the smaller assassin's until the sound of police sirens, and police lights showed up. Their gaze turned to the lights, giving Y/N and Five a chance to hide behind a counter. 

"Shit, they jumped again."

"Come on lets go." Cha-Cha said harshly, not wanting to get involved with authority.

Y/N and Five breathed heavily, sweat dripping down their faces. Y/N winced at the sharp pain going through her body. The pain got more intense as she tried to move.

She groaned loudly. "Y/N what happened?" Five whispered. 

With her shaky hand, she pulled the blazer up, revealing her red stained shirt. "Shit," He lifted up the white button up seeing a bullet wound. She winced when the cold air hit her stomach. 

He placed his hand over her bloodied stomach, and she winced again, chewing on her bottom lip. "Shit, I told you not to die," He lifted his hand, seeing the red liquid stain his hand.

He grabbed Dolores, and placed his hand on Y/N's wound again, spatial jumping them to the academy. Five set Dolores down of the floor, and picked Y/N up bridal style, staining the bottom of her leg red from his cut.

"Mom!" He yelled, rushing through the house. "Hi, Five. Whats wrong?" His mother came out from the kitchen. "Y-Y/N, she got shot... I dont know what to do.." Tears filled the boy's eyes.

"Take her to the medical room, Five." 
He did as he was told, and laid her down on the table. "Y/N, hey, keep your eyes open, okay? " He caressed her hair, trying to calm himself down.

"Five, I need you to leave," Grace said. "Alright."


Y/N's body felt weak, and limp lying in the cold bed. There were needles attached to her hands, injecting her with whatever it was filled with. She needed Five to be here, to hold her hand, or to just see him to make sure he's okay.

She heard Luther, Allison and Five's voice upstairs. Trying to sit up, she groaned at the sharp pain that sent through her body.

"Theres nothing any of you can do..." She heard his voice.

She winced again, ripping the needle from her hand. Slow fully, and painfully she stood up. She was wearing a different uniform... Grace...  probably changed her... hopefully.

Her feet felt the cold tile floor of the academy, everything her feet stepped onto it. Slowly, she make her way out of the room, dreading the stairs. "Fuck it." 

She turned invisible, and teleported to Five's room. She turned visible again, clenching her side. She coughed a few times, from how much it hurt to teleport, or even use her powers.

"Y/N! Are you okay? What are you doing awake?" Five rushed over to the girl, kneeling down beside her.

"I missed you,"

The Two Assassins ; Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now