F o u r

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My eyes now wide after seeing what I had stepped on.

It's a pair of fake halloween horns, like mine.

Immediately I check to see if it were mine, but I still had mine on.

Who else had a devil costume?

It could be anyone's, not just Dominic threw a party.

"Paige?" I hear the familiar voice from earlier.

The rain has now slightly stopped, but it's stil lightly raining.

My body is stiff and I didn't want to turn around.

"Is that you?" The voice spoke again.

I turn around, expecting no one in particular.

"Lucas?" I frown.

I let out a sigh of relief and start to lightly chuckle at my nervous state.

"I thought I was going to die," I chuckle, putting my hand on my chest.

"Sorry, I dropped that," he says pointing to the devil horns.

"Why were you here?" I ask.

"I met someone here," he shrugs.

I hand over his devil horns that he had dropped.

"Thanks," he says, then turning around and waking away.

"Wait, how did you pass me?" I frown.

"I didn't," He chuckles.

I look around the alley to see where he had been hiding.

"Really, the dumpster?" I laugh.

"Bingo!" He shouts, walking around the corner and disappearing.

I laugh at myself, before carrying on my walk to my house.

A few minutes and I see my house in sight and quickly sprint the last few feet.

I take the key from under the pot plant and unlock my door.

"I'm home!" I shout, but only getting a meow in response.

"Hello, Tiger," I grin and pet my pet cat.

His fur looking like a tiger's would, that's why I named him Tiger.

Pretty self explained.

I take off my boots, wings and my gloves along with my alice band with the horns.

I grab a makeup wipe from the guest bathroom that's on the first floor and wipe my face clean.

I assume that my cat is hungry, so I add a handful of food in her bowl and giving him fresh water in another.

I take out my leftover donuts from the Tupperware and start munching.

I put the Tupperware in the sink and walk upstairs, into my room.

I finish my donut and walk into my bathroom, turning on the shower and removing my costume, placing it in my laundry basket.

I grab a large T-shirt and undergarments from my closet and walk back into the bathroom.

After removing the remaining clothes I take a quick shower.

After ten minutes of a hot shower, I get dressed and hop into bed.

I pull out my phone that I didn't take to the party and I scroll through my texts.

I answer the first text which is Dad's text and then I see that Dom and unsurprisingly Hunter, both asked if I got home safely.

While answering my texts from Michelle I get a notification from instagram.

I forgot to tell Amanda and Clare that I wouldn't attend them for pizza, beacuse I couldn't find them, but decided against it since I saw their instagram stories.

They didn't even ask where I was or even wait for me.


Shrugging off the feeling I called Michelle.

"Hey," he answers within a few rings.

"Hey, you at home?" I ask.

"Not exactly, I went with Clare and Amanda," she says.

"Oh," I say after hearing giggles on the other side of the line.


Not bothering about how much fun they're having, I said my goodbyes and hung up.

Rolling my eyes I got out of bed and switched all the lights off in the house and went straight back to bed.

Soon falling asleep in a dreamless night.

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