T w e n t y T w o

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It's Saturday and another party is about to take place, but this time it's at Lucas'.

I dress into white high waisted jeans and a spaghetti black crop top. I also wear black matching high heeled boots and a Gucci belt.

I leave my hair loose and did my make up, looking less nude than what it usually is.

Satisfied with my look, I head to the door and to Michelle's car, that has probably been waiting for an hour for me to finish up.

Lucas' parties are very rare, but they are the best.

When we arrive I immediately make my way to the door.

Rule number one, always take a shot before you can enter the party.

I smile as I take the shot with Michelle and slightly cringed at the burning sensation.

I walk inside the mansion and I go to the kitchen first.

I see that the solo cup tradition hasn't changed either.

Red for Taken, Blue for Single, Pink for Complicated and Yellow for 'I love someone that doesn't love me'.

I laugh at the signs that are placed next to the solo cups.

Usually every year I'd either take the blue cup or the yellow one, but this time, I can take the red one.

The colour solo cups only happen at Lucas' annual parties and I love it.

I fill my red cup with beer and look at Michelle's cup.

"Yellow?" I frown.

"Yes, I like him, but he doesn't like me back," she smiles and walks away with her drink.

Still confused I walk further into the kitchen to look for Lucas.

"Have you seen Lucas?" I ask Nancy that was there.

"He said he was coming back right now, he went to go look for some girl," she laughs.

Feeling uneasy I just sit on the kitchen isle.

"Wait since when are you taken?" Nancy gasps.

"Since last week Friday," I shrug.

"Did you finally give in to Hunter?" She asks while Mandy snickers.

"No, It's not Hunter it's Lu-" before I could finish my explanation, Lucas barges in with a huge grin on his face.

"There she is!" He walks over to me and places a kiss on my lips.

I immediately blush as all the people in the kitchen has their attention on us.

"Lucas, huh?" Nancy smirks.

I just nod with a smile. Lucas stands between my legs with his red cup in his hand.

"If you haven't confessed your love, I might have had to carry around a yellow cup," he whispers in my ear.

"Me too," I admit.

Never has Lucas carried around a cup that wasn't blue. Clare had dated him after the party last year, so she was too late, but they soon broke up after a few weeks.

"You have broken my streak," he pouts.

"You just helped mine, I had the blue cup and the yellow, but never the Red," I laugh.

"Glad to help, but don't expect a Pink cup next year, Red goes better," he pecks my lips before downing his drink.

I follow his lead and down my cup too.

"I like a girl who can down their drink," he grins.

"I like a guy who can refill my drink," I smirk.

"I wonder where he is," I say, looking around.

Lucas holds my cheeks and moves my face, so that I can look at him.

"Right her missy," he glares playfully and takes my cup.

I grin as I watch him refill the drink.

"Thank you mister," I grin

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