T w e l v e

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It's Wednesday and I haven't seen Lucas since the hot tub.

I'm currently sitting in the cafeteria with Julia, Amanda and Michelle, only this time it's less awkward.

But I'm the only quiet one by the table. I glance over at the Badboys' usual table and see Kyle, Seth, Leo and Hunter.

But still no Lucus in sight.

Soon I see Dominic and Xander walk our way and I make space for Dominic to sit next to Amanda.

Xander obviously sits next to Michelle and all of a sudden I feel sad all over again.

Maybe I do like Lucas

"What's wrong, Paige?" Julia asks.

"Nothing," I say glancing at her and back to my pizza that I haven't touched yet.

No salad this time

"You've been looking upset since Monday."

"I'm fine," I sigh.

"We all know fine doesn't really mean fine," Dominic says.

"Did Lucas do something on Saturday?" Michelle asks.

"You were with Lucas?" Julia frowns.

She's not very happy about that, bet that she's just waiting to tell Clare.

"We just did the Spanish project together," I state, shrugging.

"Oh," She sounds relieved.

"Why?" I snap.

"Why what?" She sounds offended.

"Why does it concern you?" I snap again.

"Beacuse that's Clare's ex," she defends.

"Who are you to talk, or are we going to forget about Leo?" I stand up.

"Someone's on their period," Xander mumbles.

"Thats enough," Dominic says.

"Julia leave Paige alone and Paige leave Julia alone," he adds.

"Fine," I say turning on my heels and walk out the cafeteria.

I don't have time for hypocrites.

I have PE after lunch so I decide to go there early.

I go into the locker room and change into my gym clothes.

When I enter the gym I see Hunter, but not in his gym clothes.

"Why did you rush out of the cafeteria?" He asks.

"Why did you follow me?" I sigh.

"Lucas hasn't been at school this whole week and you were the last person to see him on Saturday," he says.

News spread fast


"What did you do?" He frowns.

"I didn't do anything," I state.

"Just tell me what happened."

"He snapped at me when I gave him the answer to his qeustion," I shrug.

"What qeustion?"

"Why can't you just ask him yourself?" I sigh.

"Because he won't answer my calls," he states.

"What am I supposed to do about that?" I frown.

"Please talk to him."

"No," I refuse.


"Would it make you stop?" I put my hands over my face and groan in frustration.



I skipped my last class today, just to speak to Lucas.

I ring the doorbell of his mansion and wait.

What am I even going to say?

Before I could even think about what I'm going to say, the door opens, revealing a tired looking Lucas.

His hair messy and in all directions, underneath his eyes is bluer than usual and his face emotionless.

He's only wearing sweatpants, which makes it hard to keep my gaze away from his perfectly shaped abs.

Is he really this upset about me leaving?

"Did you forget something when you ran away?" His tone emotionless.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to give you space," I say.

"Yet here you are," he said about to close the door.

"Lucas, please," I beg.

"I want to talk to you," I add.

"Fine," he says and opens the door.

His living room is messy and not in it's usual neat state.

There's a blanket on the couch with a movie playing, I recognize the movie as Midnight sun.

Why is he watching sad romantic movies?

"Talk," he says.

"Why weren't you at school this past few days?"

"I was busy," he states.

"With?" I frown.

He just points to the Tv and sits back on the couch and wraps himself in the blanket.

"When last did you sleep?" I ask.

"Is this some kind of interrogation?" He sighs.

"I'm just worried," I say.

"You weren't worried when you left," he says.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'll be this upset," I say and sit next to him.

"I'm not upset about you leaving," he snaps

"Why did you leave?" His voice went soft

"Because you snapped at me and I wanted to give you space," I admit.

When he doesn't comment I decide to ask another qeustion.

"My mother has passed away on Sunday, she was in a coma and there was nothing we could do, or so they say, " he says with his eyes shut.

I say nothing, I just move closer to him, hugging him.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

I never met his mother, but for him being this upset, I believe that she ment a lot to him.

"My Father hasn't been home since he found out, my sister is still out of town, I just feel-" he pauses.

"Alone," I finish for him.

"I feel so dumb and weak," he says, his voice cracking.

He moves so I pull away, he then turns to me, his arms wrapping around my waist.

The blanket is now wrapped around both of us while his head is on my shoulder.

"Hunter really likes you," he sighs in my ear.

"He talks about you a lot and even though he's with like ten girls in a week, he still only wants you," he adds.

"He really likes you," he mumbles.

"Why are we talking about Hunter?" I ask.

"Because he likes you," he repeats.

"Do you want me to be with him, because I really don't feel the same way about him and I can't force feelings."

"I wish we could force our feelings to love or not to love," he holds me tighter.

Is he speaking about someone in particular?

"Do you like someone?" He asks.

"Yes," I whisper.

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