E i g h t

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"Afternoon class, today we'll be working on our Spanish today, you have untill next week friday to hand in your project," our teacher announces.

"The project information is on the papers that I just handed out."

When I look at the paper I see that it's an essay.

"This project seems easy, but it takes a lot of time, on the paper it says that grammar and spelling is the most important," she adds.

"You won't all be able to finish it in class, so you'll have to work on it after school together and before any of you complain about not being able to be together after school, there is still lunch breaks and my class," she strictly states.

"Gosh," Lucas sighs.

The bell rings after half an hour and I now have cheerleading practice. I grab my bag and head over to the locker rooms.

I change into my exercise clothes that the school makes us wear, in one of the bathroom stalls and I pull on my Nike air forces, then walking into the gym room.

All the freshman that had PE, just left and now it's just the cheerleaders.

The football team practices the same days as the cheerleaders which is on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while basketball and baseball practices on Monday and Wednesdays.

I place my bags on the bleachers and pull my hair into a pony and start my stretches.

Soon Michelle joins next to me and we make small talk.

Amanda didn't make the team so she usually just goes home, but today she sits on the bleachers in the same clothes as all the cheerleaders.

"Before you ask, she's trying out, since Clare left," Michelle tells me.


"Why does the uniform make our butts look good?" Amanda asks as she stands in front of Michelle and I.

"I know right," Michelle laughs.

"You don't have a butt," I laugh, ignoring Amanda.

She just glares at me, but soon ends up laughing.

Amanda starts doing her stretches and soon Jessica walks in and announces that we have to watch Amanda try out.

I would have cheered her on if I wasn't upset.

I'm still waiting for her apology.

But knowing her, she would never.

After Amanda trying out, she made it into the team.

All the girls cheer, clapping hands and I just clap my hands softly.

Practice soon comes to an end and I grab my bag and go to the locker room, grabbing my other bag.

No one ever changes back into their original clothes, so I just walk out with Michelle and Amanda walking beside me.

As I'm about to turn to go to the football field, Michelle speaks.

"Where are you going, aren't I taking you home?" She asks.

"I'm going home with Lucas, I forgot to tell you earlier," I reply.

Amanda looks amused and worried at the same time.

"Oh okay, see you tomorrow," I give them a hug goodbye and walk to the football field.

The boys still practice fifteen minutes longer than we do, so I wait untill Lucas is finished.

I recognize a few of the boys on the field like Dominic, Leo, Seth and obviously Lucas.

Kyle, Hunter and Xander didn't make the team so they aren't on the field.

When the boys are finish they all go to the locker room.

"Hey, you," Edward smiles at me.

"Hi, how was practice?" I smile.

Edward is a Junior, one year above me.

"Exhausting," he chuckles.

"Catch you later," he says and walks away.

Just then Lucas walks towards me with a smile on his face, probably not acknowledging Edward.

"Shall we go," he smiles and walks towards the parking lot.

I walk beside him and soon we are met with his Navy blue BMW.

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