S e v e n

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History and Literature had gone pretty fast and I was glad about that.

I sat by my usual table in the cafeteria with Julia across form me, Michelle next to her and Amanda next to me.

The table is usually loud, but today its only Michelle and Julia making small talk.

"Not going to practice anymore," Julia says.

"Okay," Michelle says.

That's the only two sentences that were said.

I roll my cherry tomato around with my fork.

Why did I even order a salad?

Sighing I start to eat my salad, not letting it go to waste.

After the most awkward lunch, the bell finally rings and I'm on my way to Spanish.

When I enter the class, the teacher wasn't here yet. I walk to the back of the class where my usual desk is.

"Before you sit down, I'm assigning two people together for a Spanish project," the teacher says as she walks in the class.

"Only a few of you will be working alone, the rest will have a partner, I will discuss the project tomorrow, but I will announce who will be working with who," she says waving the paper in her hand.

When I look around the class, I see Amanda and Julia standing by one another in the front of the class.

"First things first, no girl will be paired up with another girl," she states.

The whole class lets out a sigh.

"And same goes for the boys."

After a few minutes of listening of who is with who, I'm pretty sure I was the least luckiest person today.

"So, we have rest of the class free, what are you going to do?" His voice asked.

I stare into his green eyes, not knowing what to say.

"I'm not sure," I shrug and break eye contact.

"We could get to know more of each other," Lucas suggests.

"Fine," I agree with a sigh.

After class I knew things I never knew about him. Like why he moved here a few years back, or why he doesn't like a lot of people here and it all made sence now.

He now knows about my parents being divorced and a lot of other minor things.

We also have to do very well on our project, because he's almost failing Spanish.

As I walk beside Lucas, on our way to Biology, I think of a good idea.


"Yeah?" His head snaps in my direction.

"How about I tutor you in Spanish?" I suggest.

"That's a good idea, how about Tuesdays and Thursdays?"

"Yeah, after practice," I agree with a nod.

"Who's place?" I ask.

"Mine is probably better, all my books are there," he grins.

My eyes widen.

"Why are all your books at home?" I frown.

"Too heavy, and my locker is full with other things," he shrugs.

"Plus, I sit next to people with books, the only books I have in my bag is my notes," he adds.

"Makes sense, I guess," I shrug.

When we walk into Biology we go to our separate desks, which isn't too far from one another.


I'm currently walking to the parking lot with my bag on my shoulder and my gaze on the floor.

I successfully get to Michelle's car without bumping into anyone.

Should I just walk home?

My mom isn't at home till late, so she wouldn't know if I walked or not.

Before I could turn around to walk I hear the doors of the car unlock, followed by a loud noise, caused by Michelle's door being shut loudly.

She doesn't drive off, so I geuss I can still go with her.

I open the passanger's side of the car and get in without a word.

The care ride was the most awkward I've ever experienced. She shouldn't be mad at me, I'm supposed to be mad at her.

When the car came to a stop I immediately grab the door handle.

"I'm sorry," I hear her soft voice.

I stop in my tracks and wait for her to carry on.

"Why didn't I know about the farewell?" I sigh.

"They said they asked you to come to the lawn and you weren't there,"

"I was saying goodbye to you, then I immediately went to the lawn," I say.

"You shouldn't be mad at me, I didn't know anything untill this morning."

"I'm not mad at you, I just figured that you were mad at me," I admit.

"Why would I be mad at you?" She asks.

"I don't know." I give a small smile before opening the door and shutting it behind me.

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