T e n

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It's Saturday and I'm currently collecting all I need for the project.

I glance at the clock on my bedroom wall, I see that its nine am and I'm supposed to be at Lucas' in fifteen minutes.

I grab my bag with everything I need and I'm ready to go, but before I leave my room, I get a text.

Lucas- Bring a swimsuit.

I frown because it's the beginning of winter.

It's winter -Me

Lucas- Hot tub dummy

Rolling my eyes at my stupidity I put my bag down and start to look for a bathing suit.

Lucas- Preferably a bikini.

I grab my black two piece and put it in my overnight bag. I grab my other bag and my overnight bag and I'm on my way to my mom's car that she said I could use for this weekend.

Placing my bags in the backseat, I climb in the driver's seat and start my drive to Lucas'.

When I arrive, he is already in the driveway, waiting for me.

I park my mother's Subaru next to his Bmw and climb out. I open my backdoor and grab my bags, before shutting the door and locking it.

"Let me take those," he offers, taking my bags from my hands.

"What a gentleman you are," I chuckle and he shoots a grin.

His grins are going to be the death of me

When we walk up to his room, I see that his room is still neat.

He places my bags on his bed and turns to me.

"We're having brunch in a few, then we can start," he says and we walk downstairs into the kitchen.

"Where is your sister?" I ask.

"She is out of town, my dad is on a business trip and my mom isn't here either," his voice soft.

I decide not to ask where his mother is so I keep quiet.

"What's for brunch?"

"Scones," he shrugs and takes out the scones he had in the oven.

"Prepared are we now," I laugh.

"Well, I kind of forgot you were coming, so I just made twelve," he sheepishly says.

"Twelve is enough for us both," I shrug.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and Lucas rushes to the door with a major grin on his face.

"Geuss what I got," he says after paying the man at the door.

"I don't know," I frown.


"Yummy," I laugh and take the drink he handed me.

When we finsihed having brunch we decided to start the Spanish project.

"Read that again," he says.

"This essay must include the English draft and the rewritten Spanish draft. The Spanish draft must be the edited version of the English draft," I repeat.

"So we need to write a Spanish essay with a thousand words and the english translation first draft and the final draft?" He frowns.

"No, we write it in English, then translate it directly into Google translate. Then rewrite the first English draft, but with more formal synonyms and then again in Spanish," I explain.

"But we only give in the first English draft and the final Spainsh draft," I add.

"Isn't that cheating?" He frowns.

"Not really, it's just easier," I shrug placing the paper on his desk.

"Okay then," he sighs.

"Shall we begin the English draft?"

"What are we going to write about?" I ask.

"You choose, I hate this already," he groans.

"Just choose a genre."

"We'll write teenfiction," he shrugs.

"See, it's not that hard," I grin and set up my laptop.

"Names? " I ask.

"This is going to take forever."

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