T w e n t y O n e

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I immediately push him away, to see a very confused Dom.

"What the hell Dom!" I shout.

And I'm pretty sure that the whole cafeteria is now staring at our table.

"Are you seriously not mad at Lucas?" Dom frowns.

"No," I say.

"He kissed Amanda!" He shouts.

"He didn't," when I turn around, Lucas wasn't here.

All I hear is the slamming cafeteria doors.

"Look what you caused," I say through gritted teeth.

"I was with Lucas all night after the game, we went straight to our car, in the rain, there is no way that he could have kissed Amanda," I add.

"Plus Amanda hates Lucas and loves you too much," my breathing is uneaven and my eyes are stinging while tears threaten to fall.

I was beyond angry, Dom kissed me and now Lucas is angry.

"Why would Julia lie?" His voice now soft.

"Ask her," I glace at her.

My eyes glaring as I eye her up and down before storming out the caffeteria.

I rush toward the parking lot, where I see Lucas' car door now slam shut and my eyes watch as he speeds off.

I hold my tears as I stand in the parking lot, hoping that this was all a dream.

Didn't he see me push Dom away?

I was ready to punch something or someone.

And that someone was Julia

I walk back into the hallway past the lockers and turn another corner, towards the caffeteria.

I see Dom rush the opposite direction towards the bathrooms.

I storm back into the cafteria and I see Julia standing there in the middle of no where.

I storm right towards her, my fists clenched and so is my jaw.

"You son of a Bitc-" my sentence cut short when Michelle stands a in front of me.

"You don't want to get suspended," she says.

"And where is all this rage coming from?" She asks.

"Do you know how much chaos you created," I snap at Julia.

"You shouldn't have dated your bestfriend's ex," she replies.

"You're one to talk," I snap again.

I'm about to push Michelle out the way, but I'm not in a mood for a fight with Julia anymore.

She makes me sick

I turn around and rush out the cafeteria, for what feels like the tenth time today.

I rush out the parking lot and out of the school.

I texted Michelle to drop my bags off at my place after school.

I walk down the street on my way towards Lucas'.

He lives about five miles away from the school, but I couldn't care less at this very moment.

He has absolutely no reason to be mad at me and I'll explain everything that's going on.

This is all Julia's fault.


I've finally made it to Lucas' place and I'm freezing. I didn't think that the cold would be a problem, but then again, all I was thinking about was Lucas.

I ring the doorbell and patiently wait.

When the door opens, I see Lucas with a hoodie and sweats.

When he saw me, he wanted to close the door, but I put my foot there.

"Ow," I cringe at the pain.

Why would anyone do this?

His face softens for a split second, but soon returns to an emotionless expression when he sees that I'm okay.

"Before you do that, can I explain?" I ask, pointing to the door.

He doesn't move and I take that as my cue to begin.

"Julia told Dom that Amanda cheated on him with you, after the game. So when you came, Dom thought Julia was telling the truth, I swear I had nothing to do with that kiss, and I immediately pushed him off of me," I say.

"Does Dom know this?" He ask.

"I'm pretty sure he knows now and I'm not sure if Amanda knows that he kissed me," I say.

He hugs me and kisses my head.

"Who brought you here?" He asks.

"I jogged," I say.

"So dedicated, that's why I love you," he says.

"I love you too," I grin.

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