N i n e t e e n

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My doorbell rings just when I'm finished curling my hair.

I switch the curler off and make my way downstairs.

I glance at the clock to check the time when I open the door to only reveal Lucas in a button up shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Hey," I smile, seeing that he's hiding something behind his back.

When he walks towards me I see that he's a bit nervous.

"What are you hiding behind your back?" I raise my brows with a smile, trying to peek behind his back.

"I'll need payment," he smirks.

I roll my eyes playfully before kissing him.

"Are you going to tell me what's behind your back now?" I grin.

"Ta da," he says as he passes me the bouquet of tulips.

"I love them," I sheepishly smile.

I turn around, walking into my kitchen and taking a random vase, before filling it up with water and placing the flowers in the vase.

"Is your lovie here?" I hear my mother shout from upstairs.

"Evening ma'am," Lucas greets as my mother makes her way downstairs.

"Please, call me Alice," she chuckles.

"Is this the young man you were tutoring?" My mother asks.

"Yes, this is Lucas," I say.

"Nice to meet you Lucas," she says and embraces him in a hug.

"Can we go now, before my mother calls you her future son," I chuckle.

"Nice meeting you Alice," Lucas waves and we make our way to his Bmw.

When we get in the car, we drive for a bit but soon stop at a stop street.

"Put this blindfold on, please," Lucas says with as grin.

Rolling my eyes playfully, I put the blindfold on.

"Is this really necessary?" I chuckle.

"Yes, we're almost there."

When the car comes to a halt, I hear Lucas climbing out the car.

Soon my door opens and I feel him take my hand, leading me out of the car.

He shuts the door and starts walking forward, making me follow him.

I only feel a soft surface I'm walking on, but can't feel the ground itself, because I'm wearing shoes.

Lucas stops walking and so do I. Feeling a bit nervous, but mostly excited, I wait for him to take the blindfold off.

When the blindfold falls in Lucas' hand I let out a gasp.

We are standing near a gorge and it looks breath takingly beautiful.

"Woah," I breath out.

When I look at the ground, I see that he had prepared a picnic basket that lays onto of a picnic blanket.

"You packed sandwiches didn't you?" I raise my brow, facing him.

With a sheepish chuckle, he picks the basket up and hands it towards me.

I open the lid of the basket, seeing all sorts of food.

"You made muffins?" I gasp.

"Yeah, it was difficult, Christina laughed at me when I burnt the first batch."

I let out a laugh and place the basket on the blanket.

I peck his lips and lock eyes with him.

"This is perfect."

"Yeah, it took me a while to look for a place like this, but it was worth it," he smiles.

A genuine smile

"What does this mean," I say shifting my gaze to the ground.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what does this make us?" I ask.

His hand pulls my chin gently, making my gaze shift to his eyes.

"A couple?" He grins

When I don't say anything, we fall into dead silence.

"I'm asking, Paige would you be my girlfriend, the love of my life?" His nervousness returns.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend and the love of your life," I grin.

Immediately he hugs me like his life depended on it. Our bodies impossibly closer than it ever was.

"I'll never hurt you, Paige," he whispers.

I feel my cheeks turning red at his words.

"You going to let me go now?" I chuckle.

"No, I don't want to let you go."

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