E l e v e n

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"I can't believe we finished," Lucas sighs.

It's currently eleven pm and we have finally finished the Spanish project.

"Me neither," I chuckle.

"Hot tub?" He smirks.

"Yes, please," I grin.

"You can change in the bathroom," he says.

I grab my bag and walk into his bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

My phone starts to vibrate and I check to see that I have a few texts from Michelle.

Michelle- Where tf are you?!

Yes I know I'm a bad friend, but if I told her where I was, she'd attack me with too many qeustions.

At Lucas', we're doing the project together -Me

I'm obviously not telling her I'm sleeping over.

I switch my phone off and get dressed in my swimsuit.

When I step out, I immediately feel self conscious.

I put my bag down and follow Lucas to the hot tub.

"I technically don't have to sleep over anymore, we finished the project," I say as we get in the hot tub.

"I'm not letting you drive home this late," he states.

Is he telling the truth or doesn't he want me to go?

Don't be silly Paige, he doesn't like you, he said so himself, even if you have gotten a bit closer this week.

"Okay," I give in.

"Why don't you like Hunter?" He asks.

"That's very random," I frown.

"Why?" He asks again.

"He's a player," I say.

"Then what am I?" He snaps.

Where did his good mood go?

"Not a player," I reply in a duh tone.

It's true, he's never been the type to jump into relationships each other day.

"Everyone says I'm a fuck boy, am I?" He harshly asks.

"Where did your good mood go?" I ask softly.

"Answer the qeustion, Paige," he snaps.

"You aren't," I state.

He stays quiet and I'm starting to get concerned.

"Why are you all of a sudden angry?" I ask.

"Don't stress," he says and gets out of the hot tub, wrapping himself in a towel and walking into the house.

I decide to stay in here for a while to let him cool off.

I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs, resting my head on my knees.

I let out a sigh and think about Lucas.

We have gotten a lot closer this past week, but I still don't understand his mood swings.

Then there's his history with Clare.

She was his longest relationship and her first relationship.

Would I be wrong to date one of my best friends' ex?


Sighing I get out of the hot tub and grab one of the extra towels and dry myself off.

I walk back into the house, making sure not to make anything wet. I get into his room and knock before going in.

When I see that he isn't here, I open the door and pack all my stuff into my bag, before grabbing a pair of shorts and a crop top and dressing into it, not caring if my swimsuit was damp.

I slip on a pair of Nike and take my bags.

I knew he was in here because he was in the bathroom, due to the noise of the shower running.

I decide to leave a note on his bed saying good bye and thanking him for everything.

I go downstairs and out the front door, directly to the car.

Sighing I climb into my car with one last glace of his mansion.

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