S e v e n t e e n

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It's currently three pm, around the time I'm supposed to tutor Lucas, but I'm not sure if I should go to his house.

"You coming home with me?" I hear Michelle ask next to me.

We just had practice and I'm more tired than I was last week Thursday.

"Can you drop me off at Lucas'?" I ask.

She just nods and walks to her car.

The drive there was quiet with only music being heard in the background.

"Here we are," she says after stopping in his driveway.

I say my goodbyes and climb out of the car, making my way to his porch.

When I stand before the door, I ring the doorbell and wait.

The door opens to reveal a shirtless Lucas.

"Where's your shirt," I joke.

He just cracks a smile and opens the door, motioning for me to walk in, we walk up towards his room and I put my bags on the chair.

"What was your punishment?" I ask.

"Three days suspension or no attending the game on Friday," he shrugs.

"But Hunter isn't even on the team," I frown.

"Yeah I know," he drops on his bed.

"You can go shower if you want," he adds, peeping through his hands, that cover his face.

"Be right back then," I grin.

I take a quick shower and smile at the new bodywash he bought just for me.

But my eyes widen when I realize that I forgot my bag.

I wrap myself in a towel and turn the shower off.

I unlock the door and peep through the small opening I made, seeing Lucas still in the same position.

"The door creeks you know," he says and my cheeks turn a deep red.

"My bag," I say.

"I was wondering how long it took you to notice," he chuckles and stands up.

I grip the towel tighter as he passes my bag.

I shut the door again and dress into a white sweater with the word 'heartbreaker' on it, red shorts along with fishnet leggings.

I walk out of the bathroom and put my bag back down on the chair.

I then take a seat on his bed next to him and look out the window.

"Are we skipping today?" I ask.

"Yep, we can do everything on Thursday," he replies.

"I'm so tired," I say.

"Surprisingly, I'm not," he laughs.

"Can I lay next to you?" I ask.

I only ask, because he never lets random girls on his bed.


I lay on the right side of his bed next to him.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask.


"Why don't you let girls in your room?"

I know this was a strange qeustion, but curiosity got the best of me.

"I guess I just wasn't raised to sleep with random girls, I have physical respect for girls even though it might not seem that I have emotional respect for girls, but I like to think I do," he pauses.

"I just don't feel that it's right to play with a girl's feelings," he adds.

"Would you tell a girl you like her?" I say before I think.


"On what?" I ask.

"If I'm positive she likes me back," he states.

"What if she doesn't?" I frown.

"Then what's the use in telling her?"

"Okay, but what if she does, but you don't know?"

"Then I'll find out," he chuckles.

"What if you don't?"

"Oh, but I will," I could basically hear the smirk on his face.

When I turn to my side, where he is, he's looking directly at me.

"I can't stop thinking about that kiss," I admit.

"Me neither," he says.

"Do you think it was a mistake?"

"Do you?" He frowns.

A smile creeps on my face when I shake my head no.

"I think I'm in love with you," I say out of nowhere.

"And I'm not sure if you feel the same and I'm not positive that my friends will be okay with it," I add.

"Well, I don't think I'm in love with you," he says.

My mouth opens slightly and I feel embarrassed, just wanting to get a away.

"I know it," he smirks.

I feel the blush creeping on my face when he admits that he feels the same way about me.

"Gosh, I thought you just friend zoned me and I was so embarrassed," I say, covering my face.

"Hey, it's okay, you know I feel the same way now," he chuckles.

"I can't believe you made me go through a mini heart attack," I groan, uncovering my face.

"I'm sorry," he laughs.

"Not funny," I say pouting.

Suddenly he pulls me up from the bed and stares at me.

His eyes a darker green.

My eyes glance at his lips for a millisecond, but I knew he saw it, due to the smirk creeping upon his face.

"Go on a date with me after my first match?"

"Yes," I smile.

I bite my lip at how intense his eyes are piercing into mine.

Soon he leans down and our lips are smashed together. The kiss is short and sweet.

"It's getting pretty late, I should get you home," he chuckles.

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