N i n e

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"Woah," my eyes wide as we stop in the driveway of his house.

Well more like mansion

Suddenly a click sound could be heard of my door being opened.

I realize that that Lucas has opened my door and I just chuckle and step out.

"Thanks," I smile and he shuts the door.

He gives a nod and then grabs our bags and walks to the porch.

"I can carry my own bag," I laugh.

"Yeah, I know but I'm in a hurry, I want to shower," he shrugs and unlocks the door, stepping inside.

The house is mostly black and white, with really big windows.

I follow behind him and he leads me to his room.

I thought were going to be in the living room

When we step into his room, I realize his room is mostly navy blue with his white bed, the navy not fitting in with the rest of the house.

His closet door is white and so is his bathroom door.

I was expecting a messy room, but it was quite neat.

"I'll be quick, you can get all the books ready if you want," he suggests and disappears behind the white bathroom door.

I walk to my bag that he left on his bed and pull out my Spanish notes, along with the project.

I place all the stuff on his desk that has two chairs laid out.

Maybe he prepared for today

I grab my sports bag and look around for my clothes I wore to school today, which was a black jumper.

Should I just change in here or wait untill he's done?

I groan when I realize that I don't smell like the cleanest person alive and my deodorant is in my locker at school.

I put my jumper back into my bag and sat on the edge of his bed.

A few minutes later Lucas comes out of the bathroom in only a towel.

"You can go shower if you want to, there is some shower gel in my sister's room that you can use," he suggests.

After thinking about it for a few seconds I nod and grab my sports bag and follow him as he steps outside his room.

"You'll shower in my bathroom, my sister doesn't have a bathroom," he chuckles.

"Oh," I nervously laugh.

When he leaves, still in his towel, I wanted to kick myself for being so stupid.

When he returns he gives me the shower gel and I step into his bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

I let out a sigh of relieve and undress, and turning on the shower.

I look at the shower gel and see that it's candy scented, the exact same one I use.

When I'm finished I put fresh undergarments on and my jumper.

Next time I'll bring extra clothes

When I'm fully dressed I step out and place my bag next to my other one.

"When do we do the project?" I ask

"I was thinking this weekend we can have a sleepover and then do it," he suggests.

I laugh at the word 'sleepover'.

"Sure, I'll ask my mother," I laugh.

"Now, let's begin," I grin.

After an hour of working we had one last thing to work on for today.

"Translate, El viejo se comió un hot dog."

"The old man ate a hot dog?" he frowns.

"Sì seniòr," I grin.

"Very random," he chuckles.

"Now let's get lunch," he says and we walk downstairs.

I sit on one of the chairs by the kitchen isle and he takes ingredients out of the cupboards.

"I hope you like cookies," he smirks.

When we start mixing the the batter, he dips his finger in and smeers it on my cheek and giving me the most adorable grin.

I shoot him a glare and wipe off the batter from my cheek.

When the batter is in the oven in an oven pan we wait fot the cookies to bake in the oven.

After an hour we've eaten all the cookies and even made milkshakes, which were also gone.

We sit in the living room when the front door opens and I expect to see a middle aged woman or man walk through the door, but instead it was a girl in her early twenties.

"Hi," she greets, looking shocked to see me here.

"You said a smart girl was going to tutor you," she frowns when speaking to Lucas.

Was that supposed to be an insult?

"She is the smart girl," he states.

"She looks way prettier than I imagined," she chuckles.

"Hi, I'm Christina," she smiles.

"Paige," I smile back.

My phone starts to ring and I see that it's my mother.

"Sorry, I have to go, I'll see you this weekend, I'm just going to get my bags from your room and go," I smile and head upstairs, answering the phone on my way.

"Where are you?" she whispers shouts.

"I'm tutoring," I laugh.

"You didn't tell me," she sighs.

"Sorry, I'll be there in a few," I say and hang up.

When I enter his room, I pack up my stuff and place it in my bag. I take my bags and walk downstairs.

"You let her in your room, you never do that," I hear Christina say and I stop in my tracks around the corner, making sure not to be seen.

I don't usually eavesdrop

"So?" Lucas sighs.

"Is she the rebound for Clare?" She whisper shouts.

"Of course not, Clare and I happened months ago and even if I was interested, Hunter is in the way."


"Yes, he likes her and if he finds out that I like her, which I don't, he'll be mad," Lucas states.

"So you don't like her?" She sounds uncertain.


I sigh and walk in the living room.

"Bye guys, thanks for the cookies and the milkshake, see you at school or on Saturday," I smile and walk to the door.

"You better offer her a ride," I hear Christina whisper.

"Let me take you," I hear Lucas say loudly behind me.

"Thanks," I smile.

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