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"Oh my gosh, its Harry Styles!"

"Wait where?" I jolt up from my bed.

"How dare you," I glare at Michelle that's laughing like a hyena.

"It's school and you're not even ready," she states through laughter.

"Why did you say Harry was here?" I pout.

"Because it was funny," she says wiping her tears from all the laughing.

"And why would he be in your room?" She chuckles.

"Bitch," I mumble under my breath.

"Come on, get ready," she laughs.

Pulling out black jeans a random belt and a white sweater, I go into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After showering and brushing my teeth, I get dressed and head back into my room.

"Thanks for making my bed up," I laugh at Michelle.

I slip on a pair of socks and my checkerd Vans.

I dry my hair and put it in a messy bun before running downstairs with Michelle in tow, to grab a granola bar and my bag.

"Bye mom," I kiss her cheek, grabbing my bag and the granola bar before walking out with Michelle.

"You still upset?" Michelle asks as we walk down the stairs and towards her car.

"Only this much," I indicate half an inch with my fingers.

"I made your bed," she glares, then unlocks her car.

I climb in and shut the door after Michelle does the same thing.

"You excited?" I grin.

"Not at all," she starts the car and we're off to hell.

And by hell I mean school.

I take the AUX and connect my phone.

And no surprise I play Harry Styles latest album.

"Really?" Michelle rises her eyebrows.

"Yes really," I grin.

A few minutes later we're in the middle of karaoke carpool as we jam to Falling.

"What if I'm someone you won't talk about!" She sings loudly

"I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling!" We both sing.

I turn down the music and we both have a bit of tears in our eyes.

"Why did you pick the most depressing song?" She pouts.

"Because it's the only song that you know the lyrics too," I state.

"Oh gosh, you can be glad I skipped make-up today," she laughs.

When we pull in the parking lot we both climb out of the car.

When we approach the other girls by our lockers, they all look concerned.

"Why are you both crying?" Amanda asks.

"Paige made me listen to Harry," Michelle laughs.

I quickly greet all the girls with a hug and then take all the necessary books and put them in my bag.

"Can't wait for practice tomorrow," Julia grins.

Julia has brown eyes and brown hair like the most of us, the only differences is her eyes are much darker that mine.

Michelle is the shortest out of all of us, only being 5'2.

Amanda and I are 5'4 and Julia is 5'3.

"Gosh, I'm so tired and I can't believe I drank that much," Julia laughs.

"You were at the Halloween party?" I frown.

I'm pretty sure I didn't see her there.

"No, I was at Clare's farewell," she says in a duh tone.

"When was this?"

"Saturday," Michelle tells me.

"Oh, were you there?" I frown at Michelle


"I thought you were with Xander."

"He was there too," she admits.

Suddenly they all were silent and I felt awkward.

Why wasn't I invited?

"Okay then, I have History, got to go," I give a small smile and head over to my first class.

I look at my schedule and see that I have History, Literature, Spanish, Biology, Maths then PE.

Suddenly my face meets a tree and my books fall on the floor.

Why would there be a tree in the hallway?

I look up to see Lucas with a smirk on his face and I immediately feel so stupid.

"You should stop bumping in to me, you know," he chuckles.

I bend down to pick up my books and place them back in my bag.

Standing up I look back at Lucas that's still in front of me, looking at me with amusement in his eyes.

"Ever think that maybe you're the one bumping into me," I laugh.

"Whatever you say sweet heart," he pats my head before walking past me, making sure to bump me slightly.


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