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Becky's Pov
I see him with her. Oh I wish it was me, instead of her. I wish, I was his. But that's never gonna happen. He doesn't see me like that. He told me. I keep staring at them. Sara and Seth the two hottest couple at school. Sara the queen bee and Seth my former best friend. He sees me looking and gave me a small smile. I immediately turn my head around. I will never forget or forgive him for what he did to me.

"Becca are you gonna eat your sandwich or can I have it," said Bayley she is one of my best friends. As well as Charlotte and Sasha.

"You can have it Bay. I am not in the mood to eat," I said.

"You have to forget him," said Charlotte.

"Yeah I agree with Char. He did nothing but horrible things," said Sasha.

"I guess so," I said sadly.

"I know you are sad. But turn that sad face into a smiley face," said Bayley.

"I will try. Thanks guys for everything," I said.

"It's going to be okay B," said Sasha.

"Yeah we are all here for you. You shouldn't let him make you so down. You are Becky Lynch, straight fire and the lass kicker," said Charlotte.

"Yeah I am," I said smiling.

But I will always be jealous.

End of this one shot. Hope you guys enjoy. Until next time. Love you all.

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