My First Kiss

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Becky's Pov
Seth and I are just hanging out. We are just laying on the grass and cuddling in each others arms. He looks at me and I blush.

"Aww Becca did you just blush," he said.

I just hid my face into his shoulders. He just rubs my back gently. His touch sends a shiver down my spine.

"It's okay Becca. Nothing to be embarrassed. I love it when you blush," he told me.

I look at him once more.

"Seth," I said.

"Shhh," he said. He puts his finger on my mouth. Shushing me.

"Let me tell you something," he said.

I nod my head.

"We been best friends since age five. I love being your bestie. I love when we hangout together. I love to do anything with you. But you know what I would love even more," he said.

I shook my head.

"I love to be more than a bestie to you. I would love to be yours. I would love if you would be mine," he told me.

I gentle move his finger out of my mouth. I look him in the eyes. I kissed him. He deepens the kiss. Then after a couple of minutes of kissing. We broke apart to catch our breaths. At the same time we both grin happily.

"You know Seth, that was my first kiss," I said.

End of this one shot. Hope you guys enjoy. Until next time. Love you all.

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