The fall

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It was a very slow day for the titans. None of the villains had decided to break the law. All the titans was in the common room. Robin was on the computer looking for slade. "Dude! He's never coming back"said beastboy "yeah I mean the dude hasn't been seen in four years"said cyborg. Ever since when slade help the titans defeat trigon he was no where to be seen, no one heard of him for years, but robin wouldn't give up he knew slade better then anyone and he knew slade was coming. "Whatever he is coming soon and I'll be prepared for it"said robin still working on the computer. Raven was on the couch reading ,she didn't say anything, she knew not to bother robin about his obsession with slade. Stafire went over to robin "but boyfriend robin it's our day off you have to stop"she said. Robin grab his stuff heading for his room and said "heroes don't take days off and starfire I'm not your boyfriend anymore remember" he left. Robin and starfire broke up a year after Tokyo, mostly because of red x kissing starfire and robin was lock up in his room for a month and wouldn't talk to starfire at all. Everyone knew that robin was going to break up with starfire but she didn't believe it. Now they don't talk that much and when they fought red x, robin wouldn't let starfire go to help them take him down.

Raven POV: robin was at it again! I knew to not stop him when it comes to slade. But I was really worried about him, I was about to say something but- "boyfriend robin it's our day off"said starfire. I got so mad when she said that 'boyfriend robin' that's the thing he's not her boyfriend anymore. I had no idea why I felt these emotions, I haven't visit nevermore in a long time. But wisdom has been contacting me about some new emotions, it I would never listen because I was too busy daydreaming about robin. He's just so too damn cute!!! "Umm rae why are you smiling and blushing?"said beastboy "what?" Damnit I can't believe it I'm blushing. I grab my book at headed for the door on my way out I said "and don't call me rae!". I was still daydreaming and I was interrupted when I bump into robin and fell down right on top of him.

Robin POV:I was going to take a break from trying to find slade. I went out of my room. No one was in the hallway and I wasn't paying attention because I was still thinking about where slade was. And then I bump into raven. She was right on top of me, our faces was so close together. We both was blushing like crazy "sorry I wasn't looking"i said "uhh it's okay"said raven she was about to get up but then a book hit her and made her fall, our lips touch. We started kissing each other for what seems like forever. 'Shes such a good kisser' I said to myself 'I heard that' she said giggling 'curse our bond! I keep on forgetting she can hear me'. We stop kissing, I got up and then help her up she pick up her book "so umm-" raven teleported to her room I was just standing there totally phased.

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