At The Burrow

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Next day Y/N arrive at the Burrow. Mr and Mrs Weasley are very pleased to finally meet their children's friend and welcome you cheerfully.

"And you must be Y/N!" says Mrs Weasley giving you a tight warm hug. "You're such a lovely girl!" she adds. "Of course, we 've prepared a bed for you dear! You will sleep in Ginny' s bedroom with her and Hermione. Yeah she will come too, but later." she said smiling with your little grin of excitement. "Give me your bag sweetie, I will take it to your room, the others are in the backyard, go meet them!"

"Thank you so much Mrs Weasley!"

"Call me Molly dear!" she adds while she's already getting in the house with y/n's bag.


You follow the path to the backyard only to find Ginny, Ron and Lee Jordan playing exploding snap while Fred and George were jokingly arguing about something you didn't hear, because they stopped talking when they saw you.

"Y/N!" shouted Ginny leaving the game unfinished to come to you running and hug you.

"Hey! What's up? Hey Lee! Guys happy birthday!" you said as soon as Ginny let you take a breathe. They didn't have the time to answer anything as at the moment two other guests arrived. You turned your head to meet the sparkling eyes of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger who had arrived at the same time.

"Oh my God! It's so good to see you here! I've missed you!" you shouted aloud when you saw them and you were not the only one. Ron was already hugging them and rubbing Harry's head. You laughed. You could say that these three were just totally adorable.

"Oi Y/N!" you heard Fred's voice calling you. "You didn't say the same about us! You didn't say you missed us!" said the older twin winking. "We'll not count you as a friend anymore, right George?"

"Hmm? Ah yeah, definitely!" answered George smiling at you.

You could tell that for a brief moment you saw him blushing, but it was already dark so you weren't sure about it.

"Aw my poor little babies, they think I don't love them enough!" you said at the twins jokingly.

Lee was giving you a high-five while giggling.

"Come on guys, this is your special day." you added while hugging them both at the same time.

They smiled and you made a little grin.

"Let the feast begin!" said Fred in Dumbledore's voice and everybody cheered up.

Party At The Burrow | GEORGE WEASLEY IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now