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The answer of your mother came really quick.

"She can stay as long as she wish and as long as you permit it!"

"Wow" you spelled when Molly showed you the letter. "What did you say to her and agreed so easily?"

"Oh, that will remain a secret between me and Y/M/N!" winked Molly. "Now go and tell him you'll go!"

You smiled, nodded and went out of the kitchen running to find George.

He was in the garden with all the others chatting. George saw you first and you runned to him. The hug you gave him came to him from nowhere so he blushed and made a weird grin.

" What is it Y/N?" he managed to spell.

"I'll go out with you. I'll stay one day more." you sang.

"Bu- h-?"

"What he's trying to ask is how you managed to stay for another day" said Fred calmly.

"OHHHHH YEEEZZZ!" screamed (-who other?) Jordan. "I'VE WAITED TOO LONG TO LIVE THIS MOMENT" he shouted in George's ear.

"Oh shut up!" laughed George and pushed him far from his ear.

That was the moment you realized that Harry and Ron were clapping while Ginny and Hermione were standing near you friendly arguing about what you should wear.

"Y/N! Follow us!" they shouted suddenly in one voice. "It is our duty to make you unforgettable!"

"Oh come on girls! Let her breathe for a moment..." mumbled Ron. He was unfortunate because Hermione heard him.

"And what do YOU know about girls?"

"And what do YOU know about dates too?" shouted Ginny.

Ron made a grin to her, turned his back and left. Harry breathed out heavily, looked at Hermione and Ginny smiling and left running to reach his friend.

"See ya in a while hun" winked George. Then he turned to his mates "We have to prepare something too"

Fred and Jordan nodded.

"What prep-" you tried to say.

"You'll SEE." said Fred. "Until then, it's a secret." he added and pushed you lightly to the girls who were waiting you.


"No... No... No... No... Ugly... Old... No... Nope..." you heard Ginny saying while she looked into her closet searching for your date outfit.

"Gin, I truly appreciate your concern, but I really don't need something special for this date. With George we've been friends for like seven years. You really don't have to-" you spoke.

"Yeah, y/n, but now you are more than just friends and is your first (almost) date." shouted Hermione.

"I think I have an idea!" you heard Ginny's head from inside the closet. "I'll be there in a minute!" she said and runned to the staircase.

"Ginny, really, you don't prepare a bride! Relax!" you shouted jokingly.

But after a short moment, you were really happy that Ginny did not hear you. She came back bringing the most beautiful dress you've ever seen; the fine white cloth was decorated with small laced details. It was definitely a dress made in a fairytale.

"It was mom's" said Ginny. "I remembered it and thought that you would like it."

"It - it's really beautiful" you said and let Ginny help you wear it.

"It fits perfectly" you heard Hermione say.

You removed your hair from your face and looked yourself in the mirror.

"Oh my goodness... Is that me?" you asked and all three of you begun to laugh.

Party At The Burrow | GEORGE WEASLEY IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now