Prankster After All

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"So, what will you do George?" asked Jordan.

"I'm gonna ask her out" sang the boy. "But first..." he smirked, "I have to repay Gin".

Fred and Jordan stared at him with excitement.

"A prank war!" said both of them at the same time.

George nodded and winked in a grin.

"That's my twin!" cheered Fred, rubbing George's head.

"That's my BEST FRIEND!" screamed Lee.


You were now in a chat between Ron, Harry and Hermione about the Triwizard tournament when Ginny came to join you.

"Where were you all this time?" asked Ron his sister.

You heard Ginny answering but you weren't listening. Your mind was traveling in your thoughts and your memories, trying to understand if everything was real... It was noon already and you had not found George alone so you could talk a little bit more. George... Were was he? Him Fred and Lee couldn't be so quiet for so many hours...

"Maybe they're up to something" you wandered. "I'll go for a walk" you said to your friend group. They nodded and you went out.

You searched everywhere; you searched in the attic, knocked even in their room's door. Nobody answered. So where were they? This very night you would return to your house, that's what you have said to your mother. So what if you weren't able to find them before you go?

"Maybe they have gone for walk in the little forest nearby" you thought.

You made your way to the forest stepping carefully among the trees. You were walking and walking until the only thing you could hear, was the peaceful sound of nature... The truth is that you needed a break from the noise.

You took a deep breath to enjoy the smell of the pine trees and made a turn around yourself with your arms wide open, like if you wanted to embrace the whole world. Suddenly you heard a crack and realized that this could not be another sound with natural source.

You tried to step aside but it was already too late - your foot was caught in a well tied piece of rope and a bucket full of cold water was thrown to you from above.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!"  you screamed while feeling your whole body freezing.

"Oh! Y/N! Oops..." you heard Jordan's voice.

"Oh my God! That's was not meant for you Y/N!" yelled Fred. "That's was a prank for Gin!" he added.

"Are you alright hun?" you heard George's worried voice beside you while he threw his jacket on your shoulders to keep you warm.

"Y-yes n-now I-I'm f-fine" you said with a trembling. "But WHY ON EARTH would you do this to Ginny?" you shouted.

"It's a long story y/n." spoke George.

"Yeah, but somehow it involves you." winked Lee.

"Come on, let's go to the Burrow to change your clothes." said Fred warmly, prove what good friend he was to you. "You might catch a cold if you stay like this..."

"Yeah, thanks to you of course!" you said laughing and trembling.

The four of you made your way to Burrow with caution. This prank was a detail that should definitely remain a secret between you, Fred, George and Lee. Jordan and George decided to make a diversion, distracting the others, while you and Fred would go upstairs to find you some new clothes.


After many silent steps and stress, you managed to reach the twins's bedroom.

"Catch!" you heard Fred say while throwing you a hoodie, sweatpants and a pair of thick socks. "They're George's. Think of it as a souvenir from your visit to our house." he winked.

You laughed and jokingly tried to hit him with a shoe you found near you.

"I'll leave you to change now" said Fred and then added; "By the way he talks only for you - for like a month now. So we -me and Jordan would be extremely relieved if your answer for tonight is yes"

"Answer yes to what?"

"He's gonna ask you out - properly this time" he smirked and stepped out closing the door.

You smiled and changed your clothes. Now you smelled like George; fresh clean clothes with a sence of burnt gunpowder.

"Fireworks" you thought and smiled.

Party At The Burrow | GEORGE WEASLEY IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now