Girl Talk

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You had changed into your pijamas, Hermione too and you were waiting for Ginny to return from the bathroom.

"Hey Y/N! We had so much fun tonight! Did you like the games?" asked Hermione in a low but yet enthusiastic voice.

"Oh, yes. They were really funny. What a shame that we had to put an end to them so soon..." you replied.

You stare blindly at a board full of colorful notes. Ginny's bedroom is quite interesting in its own way. Very unique...

"He didn't manage to kiss you, didn't he? George?" asked Hermione while staring at y/n.

"N-no... no he didn't."

For some reason that you cannot yet completely understand, you feel bad about this. You feel a strange comb in your stomach. Somehow deep inside you, you wanted George Weasley to kiss you, although you were friends since your first year.

"Hey Y/N are you ok?" asked Hermione.

"I think so..." you answered.

"Ohh...maybe...nope" she thought out loud while smiling.

"What's the matter?" you ask her.

"Tell me Y/N" she starts her hypothesis smiling even wider "is there any possibility that you like George Weasley?" she looks at you making a grin.

"Ehm... Actually..."

You don't finish your sentence because Ginny gets in the room.

"Did I interrupt something?" asked Ginny gently looking at you both.

"No, not really" said Hermione "just Y/N was about to answer my question... So Y/N?"

"What kind of question?" asked Ginny.

"Yes, Hermione. The answer at your question tends to be a yes." you smiled.

"Hey! Tell me what the question was! I won't tell anyone!" begged Ginny.

"Y/N just confessed to me... That she has a crush on your brother." said Hermione with a smirk on her clever face.

"Which one of them?" asked Ginny a bit confused but definitely excited. "I know six boys who I call my brothers" she laughed.

"Take a guess" answers Hermione. "Think. Who almost kissed her today?" she raised an eyebrow and then both of them begun to giggle.

"OMG! I can't believe it! Do you like George?! That's awesome!" shouted Ginny.

"Do you ship them too?" asked her Hermione.

"Totally" answered Gin.

"Please girls... Keep your voices low, please..." you begged them.

"Oh y/n your face is RED from blushing" said Ginny to you.

You were blushing more when someone said to you that you're blushing, for this reason you covered yourself with the blanket and murmured a "goodnight" to the girls that were still laughing from excitement.

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