"Like A Mother Like A Daughter"

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After a while you found yourself chatting with Hermione (who had just left Harry and Ron discussing about the Chudley Cannons) when Ginny came running.

"Y/N you won't believe what I just heard!" she shouted. "I-was-near-my-twin-brothers-and-Jordan-and-they-had-a-discussion-about-you!" said Ginny out of breath. "I think you were, and still are, George's crush!"

"You don't say!" you shouted. "You weren't in the breakfast table, were you?"

Hermione laughed.

"No, I was not... Did I miss something important?" asked Ginny confused.

"I believe so" replied Hermione trying to remain serious. "Your brother had a date with Y/N yesterday. On the rooftop. Yeah, I know, don't look at me like that!" said when she saw Gin's grin about the rooftop detail.

Now Ginny looked at you.

"Did you actually sleep between the chiminiers or did my brothers talk nonsense again?"

"Ehm.. actually..." you tried to say.

"OMG!!! I SHIP YOU SO HARD!" screamed Ginny. "You are the perfect couple! Or are you not a couple yet? Did George ask you to be his girlfriend or has he forgotten?" asked Ginny worried.

From your expression, Ginny understood that her hypothesis was true.

"Oh what an idiot he is!" she murmured. "GEORGEEE!" she shouts in a moment.

"What's up Gin? What's the matter?" answers George a little bit confused.

"Come here you-" she stops her phrase in the middle. "We have something important to discuss, you genius!"

"Ok" responds George staring at y/n and Hermione, searching for possible clues for his sister's sudden mood change.

"Well, follow her then!" says Hermione pushing him lightly towards Ginny.

You froze to Ginny's reaction then smiled awkwardly. Fred and Lee were watching the scene absolutely speechless but after a while started to laugh hysterically.

"I think we should bring the popcorn. What do you say Fred?" asked Lee in a low voice.

"I absolutely agree." answered Fred. "This will gonna be just epic" said while he made his way to the kitchen to bring the popcorn.

"Let's go to see how the boys are doing!" said Hermione to y/n and pulled you inside the house.


"Are you a bloody idiot?" said Ginny crossing her arms.

"Why would you say that?" asked George rubbing the back of his neck. "Did I do something wrong? Is it something about y/n?"

"Yes. I wanna talk to you about that."

"Is it that you don't like Y/N or-?"

"Don't be ridiculous! Of course I like her. I count her as one of my best friends." shouted Ginny.

"So what's the matter?"

"The matter is that you acted like a total jerk! Like a playboy!"

George's grin was unforgettable -especially for Fred and Jordan who watched him and Ginny arguing with their eyes fixed upon them and were slowly eating the popcorn, trying not to disturb them.

"I didn't took any advantage of her, if that's what you mean" said George starting to lose his calm.

"You took her with you on the rooftop, kissed her when everyone was sleeping and then -to make it even better, took a nap beside her! I'm sorry George, but it did look like that." answered Ginny.

"WHY do you keep saying that?" barked George. "I've been friends with her for at least seven years and liked her for the past six months. I would never, I say NEVER do anything against her or her will" hissed leaning close to his sister.

"Then make it official and ask her to be your girlfriend!" hissed Ginny back.

Fred had stopped laughing and Lee had went silent too. They looked at each other for a moment.

"I think it's time to get them apart" whispered Fred and stood up.

"Hey sis, I think that's enough. You had him for a long time already and we like his company too!"

Ginny attempted to say something but a strict stare from Fred stopped her.

"Here you go" she said in a sudden mood change. "You can take him now."


The moment the boys turned their backs to Ginny, George made a grin of relief and Jordan revealed a smile.

"She's a tough one, isn't she?" said Fred jokingly.

"Thank you for saving me out there" replied George. "I was starting to get really frustrated."

"But she has a point, you can admit that" added Lee.

"Yeah, I know. But all this...thing was completely unnecessary." speaked George.

"Cm'on Georgie! You know her! Like a mother, like a daughter!" joked Fred and all the three of them begun to laugh.

Party At The Burrow | GEORGE WEASLEY IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now