Underneath The Big Oak Tree

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The time passed quickly while Hermione and Ginny made the final touches on your look. The "artistic details" said Hermione.

"I think you're ready sis" said Ginny winking.

"Y/N you are really beautiful!" told Hermione. "I think it's time for you to go-"

"Where is she?" shouted Mrs Weasley entering in the room.

"Here I am" you said smiling to Molly.

"A 10/10! You look wonderful dear!"


George was waiting for you in the entrance of the forest and Fred and Jordan were keeping him company until you showed up. When they saw you they left silently, without laughing (for the first time in their lifes probably) and they greeted you like gentlemen.

"Have fun Y/N" spoke Lee and made a small bow.

"Don't sleep too late tho!" said Fred mimicking his mother's voice.

Then they both left laughing -again.
When George saw y/n, his lips formed a silent "marry me".

"Wow y/n, you're breathtaking!" he managed to tell.

"You too Georgie" you answered.

You looked at him. This man should do nothing special to be special. His smile only could make him seem like the most beautiful person...

"Shall we?" asked George offering his hand to you.

You nodded and let him guide you through the woods.

"Ok, now I want you to close your eyes y/n." you heard him saying.

"Alright" you responded covering respectfully your eyes with your palms.

"Just making sure you're not cheating... Alright we are fine. Now take my hands, yeah y/n both of them unless you want your foots to be tangled in the roots."

You smiled behind the safety of your palms and gave him your hands, closing your eyes hard enough so he would know you didn't see anything.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

"Of course I trust you George"

"Perfect. I just wanted to make sure before start running."


"What?" he mocked, grabbed you up in bridal style and started to run laughing.

"OOHH MYYY GOOOD, GEORGEE YOU DIDN'T JUSTT DO THAAAT" you kept yelling with your eyes tightly closed and your hands holding him like you would never let him go - or you were gonna die.

"Oh I think I just did" said George out of breath and helped you stand on your feet. "We're here. Now you can see." he spoke with a gentle voice, holding you from your shoulders.

You opened your eyes to see the big oak tree decorated with wonderful little magic lights that looked like fairies and underneath a picknick blanket and box waiting for you.

"So... Do you like it or...-"

You closed his mouth with a kiss (a little difficult to say the truth because he is much taller than you, but somehow you managed to reach him).
He grabbed your waist and kissed you back and the little magic lights begun to dance all around you two.

When you broke the kiss you sat in the blanket and stared at each other for a long time until George broke the silence.

"Y/N, I know it's a stupid question when we have lived already half our lifes with each other... But will you be my girlfriend?"

"I want to be with you forever" you whispered.

"And never been parted from you from this moment" he added staring at you straight in the eyes.

"Wow guys you two should have been married already" you heard a voice behind you.

It turned out to be Ron who desided to finally return to the house.

"Oh you have to be kidding me" said George without looking at him at all, continuing to stare at your eyes like if you were playing a game and didn't want anyone or anything to distract him. In both of your faces, George's and yours a totally awkward smile begun to form.

"Seriously, Ron, even if we just walked our way to the Burrow, you could just pretend that you didn't see them."

"Is also Harry here?" you shouted desperately, finally looking at them.

"I am really sorry y/n and George of course, we didn't want you to be distracted or annoyed by us. We're leaving now." spoke Harry pushing his frozen friend towards the exit of the woods.


"So we are alone... Again" said George.

"Until someone decides to interrupt us again" you responded with a smirk.

"Don't you feel a bit of lonely now?" joked George.

"Ah, yes! Totally!" you answered leaning closer to his face and making a grin. "And now it's just you and me" you leaned even closer.

"Sounds a kind of boring eh?" he laughed staring at your lips. Then the cupped your chin with his hand and started to kiss you in your forehead, lips and neck.

You made a grin when he stopped kissing you and he laughed.

"I'm just admiring you y/n" he said guessing your thoughts. "Give me a moment to realize how we've got there..." he smirked.

"I love you" you responded and you both closed your eyes to freeze the time forever.


You were fortunate that nobody waited you back in the Burrow, because you did not return there to sleep. You slept cuddled underneath the big oak tree with the magic fairy lights that begun to slightly fade away...

Party At The Burrow | GEORGE WEASLEY IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now