The Storm Afterwards

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"Oh my God! I told you Arthur that we shouldn't leave them alone and take that walk! Look at them now! They drunk shots!" cried Mrs Weasley. "Was that firewishky missie?" she shouted looking at Ginny who had just returned from the kitchen.

Ginny looked down on her feet remaining silent.

"Oh what a terrible influence are you for your little sister!" shouts again Mrs Weasley.

"But mum..." tries to say Fred.

"You better stop it, it's not a good idea" whispered Ron in his ear.

Freddie looked shocked that his little brother had the brains to stop him but he followed his advice anyway.

"You are kids! You shouldn't be drinking!" she continues.

"Molly they are teenagers; and our little Ginny too! Please don't spoil their mood..." tries to say Arthur.

Molly looks shocked and suddenly forgets about you guys drinking. Now she is mad with her husband who was not on her side in this argument.

"Quick! Come on!" whispers Fred. "Before she remembers about us."

Harry cracks a smile. You feel a light push on your back. It turns out to be George who smiles and nodds to you to be quiet.
Everybody, except of Mrs and poor Mr Weasley, is climbing up the stairs.

"And now guys everybody to their room" says Fred lightly. "Because if we'll not go to bed immediately..."

"We'll be dead by the morning" continues George winking.

"Goodnight" says everyone in a low voice.

"It was wonderful! Thank you guys and... happy birthday!" you whisper to your twin friends.

"Thank you Y/N!" said Fred and George at the same time.

Party At The Burrow | GEORGE WEASLEY IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now