The Morning After

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The Morning sun finds you and George cuddled up (yup, still on the rooftop) asleep between the two chiminiers of the Burrow. He wakes up first. For a moment he couldn't remember why he was on his house's rooftop sleeping beside you, but then the memories came back clearly. He smiled and kissed your forehead lightly.

"Hey y/n" he whispers while touching your shoulder to wake you up.

You opened your eyes to find an adorable but still sleepy George smiling at your face.

"Morning sunshine" he said.

"Hey Georgie..." you said with a yawn. "Wait, are we still on the rooftop? Did we slept here?" you came to a realization.

"Yup, it seems so" he laughed. "I think we fell asleep while we were discussing about the whomping willow" he says confused. "But I really don't remember WHY we were talking about that..."

You both laughed.

"Oh shit."

"What's it George?"

He shows you the chiminiers. They were smoking.

"That's-not-good-that's-definately-not-good." he says with a terrified face. "You know what the smoke means" he continues. "My mother is already in the kitchen"

"And? Where's the problem?" you kind of laughed.

"After yesterday, you should understand that this is enough of a threat." he says seriously "Come on! We should return to our rooms before she realizes!"

You nodd.

"See ya in a moment!" he says winking.

Party At The Burrow | GEORGE WEASLEY IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now