When Everyone Is Sleeping

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After a while, the house went silent. The only things you could hear were the light breathing of Ginny and Hermione and maybe also an owl from afar.
Although the time was late and your bed very cosy, you couldn't close your eyes... You thought of your friend; how you saw him blushing twice, how gently he capped your chin in his hand, how he looked at you this split second...
For a moment you thought that you heard a movement from the staircase.

"Maybe it was my imagination" you thought.

But you heard a step cracking again. So you stood up silently, sliped in your slippers and approached the closed door. You sticked your ear to the door.

"Who's there?" you whisper.

"Y/N is that you?" comes the answer from the other side. "It's George."

You feel your cheeks burning but you silently open the door and then close it behind you. You look at him for a moment, then you ask.

"You had no sleep?"

He nodds negative.

"Neither I..." you continue.

"Com'on, I wanna tell you something" says George with half a smile. "Follow me"

He makes his way climbing up the stairs and you follow him smiling secretly.

"Where are we going?" you ask.

"Shh, you'll see..." comes George's answer.

After climbing the staircase to the end he opens a - kind of a window and you get to the rooftop. The starry night sky is clear and bright and you can't keep the excitement inside you.

"Wow..." you spell. "So...?" you ask.

"Shh... look how they're shining"

You deside just to enjoy the moment and you take a seat near him.

"Yes, I think it's beautiful..." you say while looking at the starry sky.

"It is" answers George staring at you for a moment.

Although he didn't want you to see that, you cached his stare.

"Well tell me then! What do you want to tell me?" you asked looking at him, making him nervous.

He smiled innocently. "I forgot"

"Are you serious? Have you really f-"

"Shhh y/n! Keep your frustration inside of you unless you want to wake everybody up." he said laughingly. He really had fun teasing you that way. "Well, I may not remember what I wanted to tell you" smiles "but I'm sure that I owe you something"

He stares at you straight in the eyes for a moment. Then he gently grabs your face on his palms, blushes, gives you a quick pecking kiss on the lips and continues admiring the stars.

"Wh-what are you doing?" you asked really confused.

"I'm paying you back and then doing my business." he smiles like nothing happend.

"Oh my God, George! Why do you do it so difficult?!"

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, forget it." you say and lay your head on his lap, making yourself comfortable.

"Wha-what are you doing girl?" he asks trying to keep his voice steady.

"I'm paying you back and then doing my business!" you say mimicking his tone. "So do you want to bring me over there, now that everybody is sleeping to tell me that you're just doing your business? No sir, I-"

You can't finish your sentence because this time he closes your mouth with a kiss - like a real one, and you kiss him back. You feel his smile when he realizes your reaction and you smile back.

None of you remembers how long you cuddled on the rooftop before you get drowsy and fell asleep.

Party At The Burrow | GEORGE WEASLEY IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now