Breakfast Table

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You and George somehow managed to sneak in your rooms unnoticed and change your pijamas into clothes. You climbed down the stairs and went to the kitchen first. Nobody was here except Mrs Weasley who was making breakfast.

"Goodmorning dear!" said Mrs Weasley when she saw you. "Have a seat, make yourself comfortable! I'll make you sausages."

You hear the cracking of the stairs and see Hermione coming.

"Good morning!" she says while taking the seat next to you.

When Mrs Weasley walks out to bring something from the cupboard you see Hermione staring at you seriously.

"Where have you been Y/N?" she asks you "I woke up in the middle of the night because I wanted to check if I remembered right a spell for the charm's quiz next week and you were not in the room. So?"

"I really wish that you hadn't realize, but if this is the case, I think I don't have a choice..." you replied. "I was on the rooftop" you said and you laughed when you saw her grin.

"On the rooftop?" she spelled staring at your eyes, trying to understand if you were lying. "Did you go alone on the rooftop and sleep up there?"

"No and yes. I did sleep there but to say the truth I wasn't alone" you said blushing lightly. "I'm not that crazy. At least not yet!"

In a brief moment Hermione started to realize what you just said. Her face took an expression of excitement combined with curiosity.

"Were you οn a date with G-"

"Here you go!" said Molly Weasley placing to big plates full of toast and sausages under your noses. After that, she continued to prepare cups for milk, coffee, juice, etc.

Hermione looked at you directly and moved only her lips to form her previous question.

"Were you in a date with George?"

You smiled and nodded positive. It was difficult for Hermione to cover her excitement but she tried her best. She tried to ask you something more but at the same moment both of you heard again the staircase's cracking under the weight of someone. It turned out to be George.

"Moorning..." says George with his morning voice (an octave lower that usual).

He walked by and stand next to his mother while imitating her pose; he rested his hands to his hips and looked at the mugs desperately, making you and Hermione laugh. He grabbed a huge mug and filled it with coffee, then came to have a seat across of you.

"Goodmorning George" said Hermione with a smirk. "Did you sleep well?" added afterwards.

George almost chocked himself with the coffee and gulped with difficulty. Then he answered Hermione's question scanning her smiley clever face up and down, trying to understand what she already knew.

"Quite well, thank you Granger...But I dare to say that I might have caught a cold."

"Did you sleep with the windows wide open again!?" Mrs Weasley got in the conversation. "Oh my! What should I do with you two? And now maybe Jordan cached a cold too! What a shame!"

"Of course you don't care about me or Freddie, your own children!" said George at once. "Our life is a sad story!" he says while laughing.

"Oh George, I didn't mean it that way dear!"

As Mrs Weasley walks by, she refills your plates with pancakes. After a while you feel like the house is going to fall on your heads. You cover up your hear by instinct and George laughs.

"Don't worry dear" says Mrs Weasley "Nothing will gonna happen".

You realize that the noise is the bloody wooden old staircase again but this time under the weight of many people.

"We exited our rooms running all together at the same time!" says Fred with a huge smiley grin on his face

"We actually almost fell from the staircase!" added an excited Lee.

"I try to understand how is it possible that Ginny hasn't got up with this screams" said Ron to Harry waving to Hermione.

Everyone got their seat in the breakfast table. George had Fred and Jordan on each side and he was pressured between them.

"Freddie, I'm feeling like a sandwich. Please give me some space"

Lee laughed out loud. Basically everybody laughed out loud. All of them were Gryffindors and they totally acted like that. Next to Hermione seated Harry and next to him, Ron.

Hermione couldn't help it anymore and told about you and George to Harry, Harry told to Ron and Ron told to Fred and Jordan who started to laugh hysterically.

"Ooooo Y/N we didn't expect anything less from you!" said Lee winking.

"And, Ron. Don't think you learned it before us. We knew it first of course!" added Fred.

"Yeah, I passed a -kind of INTERROGATION from my twin and my fried this morning." said George.

You laughed. "Is there any person on this house who DON'T know about this yet?"

"As you said yourself YET... I don't know... Maybe Mr and Mrs Weasley!" whispered Jordan laughingly.

"Oh my God! DON'T YOU DARE!" you shouted to them.

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