When All Is Said And Done

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You climbed down the stairs and found an already full of plates table and all of your friends (+Molly and Arthur) waiting for you. Ron seemed very excited with the food on the table, so he was the only one who didn't understand that you were wearing George's clothes. (btw they were huge to you, so you just looked like... Idk very weird).

"So Y/N dear" said Molly "have a seat". She smiled to you. "For a moment I thought you were my child" she spoke, staring at her son's clothes on you. She didn't do any other comment.

Arthur Weasley didn't seem to care because he already had an extremely interesting discussion with Harry about toasters.

"So, you say that you put the slice of bread in it, and with the help of electricity it becomes a toast?

Harry nodded.

"That was all?" you thought while you were taking the only empty seat on the table -between Fred and George.


As all of them were having their attention to the delicious dishes made by Molly, you felt George's hand touching yours. You hold his hand for a while, then realized that Molly was staring at you and left it.

"Do you enjoy it Y/N?"

"Excuse me?" you answered, a bit freaked out, because you did not understand what she was talking about.

"The food. Do you like it?" she continued.

"OH YES! Yes, of course! I find it delicious" you said - and you meant it. Although you felt a wave of relief.

Beside you, Fred had started to laugh and he almost choked with the roasted chicken, but Lee was fortunately quick enough to beat lightly Fred's back to help him swallow.

Although, Fred couldn't hold his laugh even when he finally swallowed, so this time Lee almost choked with his water. He started to cough hysterically and Fred laughed louder and louder (together with Jordan of course). Everybody begun to gigle and George found the opportunity to give you a tiny piece of parchment.

"Y/N, will you go out with me tonight? If yes, meet me by the big oak tree in the forest at 8:00"

"Oh, George... I would love to... But I said to my parents that I will return home tonight..." you said with a desperate whisper.

Molly's shout didn't let you two continue your little conversation.

"Alright everybody! Eat your food while it is still warm." she commanded.


After the meal was over you desided to help Molly with the dishes, so you started cleaning the table.

She saw you and checked a second time if anyone was still in the kitchen. When she found no one she turned again to you.

"So George is the lucky one, huh?" she said with a smirk. "Oh come on dear! Don't blush because I'm his mother, I'm a woman too! Don't forget I was also a teenager one day."

Your smile widened and you started to nervously laugh. Molly smiled back to you but she noticed something more.

"Is everything allright dear?" she asked gently. "You look quite... Do tell me what's wrong, please" she said and sat beside you like she was your real mom.

"Ok..." you said and breathed in. "George asked me out to a date this night, but I told to my parents that I would return this afternoon"

"Oh darling! That's not a problem at all!" rejoiced Molly. "If you want I can send them an owl and ask them to keep you here one day more!" she shouted.

"Really? Would you do this for me?" you asked and desided that Molly Weasley was one of the best persons you ever met.

She looked at you with a grin, in a way that meant "of course" and you smiled from ear to ear.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" you screamed and hugged her.

Party At The Burrow | GEORGE WEASLEY IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now