Chap 4 : To the Moon and Back

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{Daryl's POV} "Daryl we gotta go soon we can't just stay in this place." She said. "Yeah," I mumbled. I think I have an idea of where we can go next.

We were headed through the woods again as soon as we knew it. "Hey, hey Daryl do you think we can take a break? my legs are tired,"

"We ain't stoppin' for nothin," I said.
" Common this is a serious piggy back Beth." She laughed and hopped on my back.

I trudged through the woods and up a hill until I found a small house that looked familiar. I led her inside.

We made sure it was cleared, it was except for one walker I took out on the way in.

As we came in we checked the kitchen. I found some crackers and a jar of peanut butter I brought them over to her and we talked about the weapons.

"I'm thirsty." She said. "You need somethin to drank?" I walked into a cellar under the pantry and found some crates, I set them on the table before her.

"Moonshine," I said with a grin "moonshine." I poured some into two mason jars and handed her one.

"I've never had a drink before, Daryl." "But I know some drinking games I'd watch my friends play at parties."

"There's one where I would say something I've never done and if you have done it you drink. You get it?" "Oh I got it Beth." I winked.

"I've never...done a lot of things." " I had to learn almost all I know myself."

"Daryl what were you before the apocalypse?" "Well I was I I was nothing before all this crap happened."

"Uh lets just get back to the I've never," "I've never...gone through with commiting suicide." I said. Then I looked at her arms the cuts on her wrist , and saw the look in her eyes trying to fight back the tears.

"You know what I think that's enough for tonight." She nodded. I lifted her up and carried her into the master bed room.

I set her down in the bed. "Mind if I sleep here with you?" I said. " I would love that Daryl Dixon."

We climbed under the covers and talked about our families, how we missed them. Her arm on my chest.

"Beth I just want you to know your beautiful, and never ever cut your precious skin ever ever again you hear me? you're perfect just the way you are." She stared into my eyes.

"Goodnight beautiful," I said as I kissed the cuts on her arm. "Goodnight."

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