Chap 3: Switching shifts

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{Daryl's POV} Finally she woke up. I didn't want to rush her so I just let her get a good rest.

"Daryl, why didn't you wake me up I
feel bad you didn't even get a chance to get some shut eye." "I'm sorry you just looked so beautiful sleeping," I replied.

She laughed. It was good to see her laugh, we barely ever laugh anymore under these circumstances.

"Beth I have a present for you." "Daryl stop where would you find the time to get me a gift?" I pulled out the yellow back pack and pushed it towards her.

"What is that?"she said. I watched the expression on her face change from confusion and laughter to excitement.

She looked at the weapons and felt the blades against her thumb. " Sharpest knife I've felt in awhile," she whispered under her breath.

When she got to the bow she stuttered and smiled at me. She didn't know what to say so she just jumped out of her chair (knocking it over) and hugged me, " thank you" she whispered in my ear.

"You're welcome." I whispered back holding her tightly.

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