Chapter 7: The first day

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I woke up the next day in my dormitory by Hermione, who was already in her school robes. The previous night after I had entered the common room I had stayed up for hours, admiring the warm fire, trying out the comfy chairs and couches. I especially liked that the common room was placed in one of the school towers, I spent the rest of the night on the dorm floor, looking out the window and thinking of how hectic the day had been. Between Dementors, fighting with Malfoy and well, George, I had had a hell of a day. However, the best part, after obviously being sorted into Gryffindor,  was that I got to share a dorm with Hermione and Ginny.

'what's going on?' I groaned, covering my eyes with the blanket

'y/n, it's 7.00 and we need to get to breakfast and get our schedules for the year' she insisted

I uncovered my eyes and saw that both of the girls were ready to go. 

'shit shit shit' I whispered under my breath. I put on my blouse and pulled the grey skirt over it. I already had my socks on and so I fit into my Mary Janes and grabbed my robes and tie while running down the stairs, trailing behind Ginny and Hermione.

'Blimey y/n, why the rush?' said Fred amused, he was laying on one of the sofas but got up to accompany all of us to the Great Hall.

'you coming?' said Harry, as he began climbing out of the portrait hole

'I'll be down in a sec, I need to put on my tie' I called out and they all left through the hole, the portrait closing behind them. I was alone in the common room, trying to do up my tie but failing miserably.

'bloody hell' I uttered

'need a hand' said a familiar voice

George was descending the stairs, he was wearing his robes and had his tie loosely hanging on his neck.

'uh, yes please' I said 'can you also teach me how to do it? I don't want to spend the rest of the year not knowing how to' I said embarrassed

'sure' he said while retrieving the tie where I had thrown it. Now we were face to face since George had to level down to my height. 

'so um you just have to um' he began to stutter, avoiding my eyes. He finished the explanation and we stood there in silence for a few seconds. George looking upwards and I looking at my shoes.

'should we get going?' I said breaking the silence, 'I heard the schedules are being given out and they all left a few minutes ago to have their breakfast'

George nodded grabbing my bag and handing it over to me and he took his, sliding it on his shoulder. The walk down wasn't as awkward. George asked if I was going to try out for Quidditch trials the following Wednesday.

'Of course I am. I played chaser at my school, I was not too bad if I say so myself' I said proudly

'well I'll be waiting to see how you play' he said playfully nudging my shoulder

'what's so funny about it?' I said playing along

'oh nothing, it's just that Oliver, our team captain, won't want to change the team since its his last year and he wants more than anything to win the Quidditch cup. No offence but we have the best players' boasted George

'so you think I won't make the team' I accused him, feeling slightly offended

'y/n I don't mean that-' he tried to reiterate his point but I was already heading off in front of him. I didn't need him to tell me if I was talented enough to make the team and I was honestly mad he had said that. I reached the Great Hall alone and darted towards the table, ignoring George's attempts to get my attention.

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