Chapter 13: Snape's detention

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At one point during the night, I had fallen asleep too and when I woke up, the pain had magically gone. I lifted my shirt, the bruise was still there but it wasn't painful anymore.

'George' I whispered

'hmm' he mumbled, he was still half asleep so I left him in his chair and left the Hospital Wing. I needed to take a shower.

The school was still very quiet. It was 6 am so the castle was slightly illuminated. I made my way through the maze of stairs and finally entered the Common Room. I took a deep breath, it smelled like George actually, the warm fire reminded me of him. 

I walked up the stairs and entered the dorm. Hermione and Ginny had just woken up, they usually woke up early to cram in some studying or in Ginny's case, wander around with her friends before breakfast. 

'y/n! You're back' Hermione said delighted 

'how are your ribs?' asked Ginny

'well I had an awful night as I was given a potion for faster healing but at least all the pain's gone' I replied

'it's great to have you back' they both said in unison. I sat on my bed for a bit, allowing Ginny and Hermione to get ready first. They started to head down and I told them I just wanted to be alone for a bit.

'okay well, I'll save you a seat in Transfiguration' said Hermione before closing the door

Once they left, I took my uniform and went into the bathroom. I ran the water and while I waited for it to warm up I thought of how long it had been since I had been alone and felt good while doing so. I started singing the song that my dad would sing to me when he would put me to sleep, it was a muggle song actually, it played at my parents wedding and it was my favourite.

'stars shining bright above you, night breezes seem to whisper I love you, birds singing in the sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me'

'say nighty-night and kiss me, just hold me tight and tell me you miss me, while I'm alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me'

I stepped out of the shower, finishing the song while getting changed. I stepped out of the steaming bathroom and into the bedroom. George was sitting on my bed, he looked dumbstruck.

'oh, hey George' I said quietly, I was hoping he hadn't heard me sing, I hated singing in front of people

 'what's up? you know you're not supposed to be here' I said trying to play it cool despite being mortified by the fact that he most likely heard me sing

'that was beautiful Edwards' he said, still looking shocked 'I really mean it, you have a beautiful voice' 

'thanks Georgie' I said sweetly, well maybe I didn't mind if George had listened

'oh right, um, I came here because I saw you had left the Hospital Wing. Hermione told me you were here so I came to check up on you' he said, now more in touch with reality

'oh yeah it doesn't hurt anymore' I affirmed 'I had to take a shower, why did no one tell me I smelled so bad?' I added embarrassed

'well we were more worried about your health than about how you smelled Edwards' he said in a matter of fact way

'I'm going to pack my bag and hang my towel so you can head down to breakfast if you like' I said

'it's okay, I'll wait for you' 

I hung the towel behind the bathroom door and sat next to George while packing my bag. George broke the silence asking,

'what were you singing before?'

'It's a muggle song that my dad would sing to me. My mum used to love it apparently. It's my favourite too, reminds me of home' 

'well you can sing it anytime, I loved it too' he said


*Time skip*

'well, well' snarled Snape 'if it isn't the enchanting couple, Ms. Edwards and Mr. Weasley'

'Good evening Professor' we replied quietly

'As Ms. Edwards decided to make a mess in my potions lesson today, you will be cleaning each cauldron without magic, is that clear?'

'crystal' I said bitterly

'Mr. Weasley?' 

'yes, sir' George replied in a monotonous tone

'I don't want any bickering and you will stand in each side of the class to prevent any disruptions' Snape added, with his nasally voice

'prick' I muttered under my breath

'any problem Ms. Edwards?' 

'none at all' I said in the most polite voice I could utter

'then. get. going' he snapped

And so, George and I cleaned each cauldron, occasionally exchanging glances and trying to mock his face. We had to muffle our laughs because at any noise other than scraping, Snape would glare at us and demand silence or else we would be cleaning the whole classroom. It was midnight when we finished the torturous task of cleaning cauldrons, I really did make a right mess in class. I supposed that Fred had finished spreading that sticky substance in Snape's room and I hoped that he would suffer, maybe by cleaning his own room he would finally take a damn shower and wash his greasy ass hair.

'dismissed' announced Snape in his usual voice, 'and I better not catch you again outside of curfew again'

George and I left the potions class exhausted. Thankfully it was Friday and I could sleep in, I did have Transfiguration homework and Snape had set an essay on proper practice of potion making due to the mayhem I had caused in class, and also because Neville managed to melt a couple of cauldrons. 

'you okay Edwards?' asked George, he looked as tired as ever, he had spent a rough night having slept on a chair but I guess I looked worse, I hardly got any sleep because of that damn potion.

'I'm dead' I replied, just staring at the stairs made it look like an impossible task. George saw my face

'I'll carry you Edwards' he said softly 

'George. No. We're going to fall'

'oh shut it' he said grabbing my waist and pulling me over his shoulder, carrying me up the flight of stairs and into the Common Room. He carefully put me back down and he sat on the couch.

'Fred left a note on the table' I said, pointing at the table

'oh right' said George distracted, I picked up the note and read it 'just says he successfully spread the substance and that he's back in the dorm'

'perfect' I whispered to myself, already thinking of Snape's reaction and cherishing that sweet revenge

'Edwards' said George shyly

'yes, George'

'can you sing that muggle song again?' he said quietly, looking into the fire

'of course Georgie' I said, sitting next to him on the couch. I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me while I began to softly sing the song to him. Once I finished, we sat there in silence.

'I think I should go George' I said, realising that tomorrow we were going to regret this and avoid each other.

'don't leave, please' he insisted

'it's really late and you hardly slept yesterday, I'll take you to your dorm, okay?'


I took a drowsy George to his dorm, quietly opening the door as to not disturb the rest of the boys in the room. I took of his jacket and put it on the chair next to his bed.

'Good night Georgie' I whispered

'night Edwards' he mumbled weakly

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