Chapter 27: What is she doing here?

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A/N: I know All I Want for Christmas came out in 1994 and its supposed to be 1993 but I love it sm so its making an appearance lmfao


Christmas holidays had been going relatively good so far. I had finished off my homework on the first few days of break so that I only had to do some research with Hermione in the mornings. This meant spending more time with George, we had had snowball fights, gone to Hogsmeade on lunch dates and had sneaked off one night to the Astronomy tower to stargaze at midnight. However, things with Harry had turned even worse and Hermione and Ron's situation had turned even more sour. Harry would hardly speak and he lay around all day feeling miserable, even when we proposed to prank Filch with him, he wouldn't want to participate. Regarding Hermione and Ron, Scabbers had reappeared which meant that Crookshanks was chasing him around all day, scaring him to death. Ron had screamed his head off at Hermione while Hermione stood her stance, arguing back. It wasn't a pretty sight. I tried to make them both see sense and apologise but they both were just as stubborn. So much for the Christmas spirit.

Today was finally Christmas Eve, I woke up in the morning feeling more happy than usual and kept humming Christmas songs, it was my personal favourite, All I want for Christmas is You, I kept it on repeat while I made my bed,

'shut up y/n' I overheard over the music 'you've been listening to that muggle music all morning' continued to complain Ginny

I took off my earphones,

'shit sorry' I apologised 'but it's too good to not listen to'

'well keep it to yourself until 11 when I wake up' she groaned and turned over in her bed, going back to sleep

I resumed playing the music but hummed it lowly so that I wouldn't anger Ginny any further. I finished ordering my side of the room and went into the bathroom to get sorted. Hermione had just finished showering and was drying her hair with a towel,

'good morning to you Granger' I said, as she had just brushed past me and completely ignored me

'sorry y/n, I'm still pissed with Ron and I just take it out on any living thing' she explained

'don't worry, why don't we do something fun as a girls day?' I offered

'yeah maybe' she sighed, looking at the pile of books by her bed 'I have to finish off some homework and we could do a girls afternoon to get ready for the Christmas Eve dinner' she suggested instead

'sounds good to me but don't go too hard on yourself today, remember it's Christmas, we're supposed to be having fun' I reminded her

I shut the bathroom door behind me. I had gotten my Quidditch robes as I would be practising with George and Fred in the morning. I just had to brush my teeth and tie back my hair.

'see you later' I whispered to Hermione as Ginny was in a profound sleep 

'see you and be careful'

I left the dorm and met the boys downstairs. We had left our brooms in a locker in the changing rooms because we kept making a mess in the common room when we came back from the practice.

'geez it's freezing' I said rubbing my hands together as I exited the portrait hole, the common room provided heat compare to the castle that was freezing.

'come here Edwards' said George opening his arms, I took the hug, he rubbed my back and kissed my forehead 

'come on you two' fretted Fred, dragging both of us down the stairs.

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