Chapter 21: Two can play this game

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A/N: I changed the storyline a bit so you'll have to wait for the cutesy moment lmao. y/n is not here to play lmfao.


It was nearly the end of term and a Hogsmeade trip was awaiting. Oliver had made training more intense ever since Ravenclaw beat Hufflepuff,  bringing us a bigger chance to win that cup and Oliver to get even more stressed. Homework had been piling up since it would be either due next term or the week before break and our research for Buckbeak's defence had made me exhausted. I was nearly to the point of burning out. 

I had also been avoiding both Draco and George who both looked at me everywhere I went. Hermione always held me tight when this happened. Fred also kept by my side, he wasn't ignoring me and he tried to make me feel better when Olivia displayed her relationship in my face, which she always did.

The night before the Hogsmeade trip Hermione had come up to our dorm really upset. I was upstairs reading the letter my dad had finally written back, he said that it would be better if I stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas because he would hardly be back at home because of the big events the Ministry was planning for next year. He also told me to expect a very special gift over Christmas. I had hoped to return home since the Weasley's would be staying too, meaning George would be staying. Nonetheless, Olivia would be leaving back home which made me oddly satisfied.

'Hermione, what's wrong?' the door slam shook me from my thoughts, she looked enraged

'Ron' she replied curtly

'I'm sorry, it's just he said that Crookshanks had killed his stupid rat, Scabbers, and he also just went off on me' she said agitated

'come here' I said opening my arms, we embraced while she vented about Ron. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about how clueless boys were. I took out some spare snacks that I had and had a small feast as well. During dinner, we sat at the far end of the table, avoiding the boys.

'I can't believe the nerve of him' said Hermione, glaring at Ron

'forget it Hermione, he's too proud to accept that his rat got lost'

Later that evening, I tucked Hermione into her bed, she was still pretty worked up so I put her some muggle music which she liked and fell asleep while it was still playing.

I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I kept twisting and turning in my bed so I decided to go down to the common room, I knew no one would be there since it was 3 am. The fire in the common room was very welcoming. I hadn't even noticed that George had come down until he sat next to me.

'Edwards' he looked as if he had had sleepless nights

'George?' I said, positioning myself upright so we were now face to face 'what's wrong?'

'I need to tell you something'

For the first time, I was willing to listen to him. Maybe it was because he looked so worn or maybe it was because I missed him, which I wasn't too willing to admit.

I simply nodded

'I really miss you' he said, his voice breaking 'I miss-'

'Georgie! I knew you would be down here!' exclaimed Olivia as she was descending the stairs, 

'you should've come upstairs instead of being down here with her' she said, looking down at me with an unpleasant expression. She made her way next to George and kissed him hastily. Right in front of my face

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