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"the way you make me feel, the happiness you bring me. i can't keep it a secret any longer... i like you elle. i want you to be mine."

"where's the birthday boy?" kairi bursts in the room before i have a chance to reply and i step away from mattia. although i'm sure he's able to hear my heart beating out of my chest from this distance. i nearly whimper at the loss of contact when his hands drop down to his lap.

"do you like them, the jordans?" alejandro asks.

mattia clears his throat before speaking. "yeah man, love them."

"looking pretty pretty boys." i compliment them.

"you too perez." kai smiles.

"ehhh, he's lying." alejandro says.

"shutup." i push him lightly.

"oh, your mom said to go straight back up, the food's ready." kairi remembers and we all head out.

i sit next to mattia as his parents sit at the table ends. gianluca was staying over at my house with my brother because of the party here tonight. mattia decides to place his hand on my thigh and goosebumps cover my exposed skin.

"thanks for doing all of this guys, i really wasn't expecting it." mattia speaks as he starts to rub up and down, his actions being hidden by the dining table.

"you deserve it son." his dad smiles at him. "let's eat, i'm starving."

i laugh and we all start eating. i begin to process what mattia had told me in the basement; he has actual feelings for me, meaning he meant what he said all those weeks ago in the car, but me and mattia as boyfriend and girlfriend, could that ever work?

"so, me and your dad are trusting you tonight mattia. we're letting you throw a small party. i swear to god if-"

"oh my god, thanks mom. i won't let anything happen." mattia grins and squeezes my thigh, telling me he won't let anything happen to me.

"no drinking, no drugs." his dad gives him a stern look. he had stopped drinking weeks ago, just for me. something it took my mother over a decade to do.

"obviously not." mattia swats his free hand as the other remains comfortably on me. i'm always comfortable with mattia.

how could i have not seen it before now?

"this is so good mrs polibio." kairi says, complimenting her cooking.

"i had elle as my little helper but thankyou."

"elle when do you turn eighteen?" alejandro asks.

"next month, june sixteenth." i reply.

eventually we all finish the meal after good conversations and lots of laughter.

"i'm so damn full." mattia groans as me and his mum clear the plates. "let me help." he starts to get out of his chair.

"no, you can wash the dishes later." his mum says and he rolls his eyes.

"well i'm not full so did someone say birthday cake?" his dad says.

𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 -ᵐᵃᵗᵗⁱᵃ ᵖᵒˡⁱᵇⁱᵒWhere stories live. Discover now