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"i'm really nervous." i whisper to mattia and he grabs my hand as we walk up to the front door.

chelsea doesn't even knock she just walks straight in and we follow her.

"where's my little american doll at!" my nana says and her face lights up when she sees me.

"hi nana." i smile and hug her tightly.

"i never get this special treatment." chelsea laughs and sits down on the couch.

"yeah cause you're a moody cow." my nana jokes and then turns to mattia. "bloody hell elle, he's like a greek god!" she kisses mattia's cheeks. "sit down love, the kettles just boiled i'll get you some tea."

"james will be here any second, make him one too mum." jane says as the front door opens. "speak of the devil."

"yes now." james walks in and looks around the room. "you alright." he nods to me and mattia.

"hi." we both say as nana starts handing out cups of tea.

"jane put grease on, i recorded it before. then chelsea order a takeaway, your brother can go pick it up." nana instructs.

we start the movie but aren't really paying attention as we're all chatting away, mostly them asking us questions.

"you coming bro?" james asks mattia, referring to walking to get the food we ordered.

"yeah man." mattia stands up and leaves with my older cousin, i'm so happy he's getting along with everyone but it's not hard, they've been so welcoming.

eventually the boys return and hand out the styrofoam boxes.

"who wants red sauce?" nana asks as she goes into the kitchen.

"me!" chelsea shouts with a mouth full of fries, or what she calls 'cheesy chips'.

"you're all having cordial, it's all that's in." jane says and also heads into the kitchen.

"here babe." mattia hands me my burger and sits down besides me. his eyes are slightly red.

"are you high?" i whisper as mattia starts watching his chicken and chips.

"you know, he smokes weed everyday. and everyone in this room knows it?" he whispers back, nodding towards my cousin james.

"elle you wanna try some donner meat?" james asks me.

"what the hell is that? it looks so slimy." i shake my head.

"no one really knows what it is, but it's good. stop being a pussy, here." he leans over and puts some on my tray.

i take a bite and spit it straight back out.

"such a fussy bugger, just like your louise." jane laughs, referring to my mum. i miss her already.

we continue the movie, our meals and the conversation until it's all finished.

"inabit!" james shouts before leaving and we all say bye.

"home time for us, too. got to walk the dog." jane says once she'd tidied up and we all say our goodbyes to my nana before getting in jane's car.

"yous two can walk chanel tonight, earn your keep." jane says as she drives us home.

"sounds good." mattia replies.

𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 -ᵐᵃᵗᵗⁱᵃ ᵖᵒˡⁱᵇⁱᵒWhere stories live. Discover now