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elle's pov・゚: *・゚:*   

my phone chimes and i pick it up with my free hand.

our tiktoks are blowing up

i laugh as i look at the screenshot he sent me of his page. we've been making stupid videos about our time in england and they're getting a little bit of attention but he's being overdramatic.

"mia, come on. please." chelsea begs my cousin james's girlfriend.

"no i like elle now, so i'm coming out for her birthday. i'll get you one of my friends ID's." mia explains.

i'm currently getting my nails done for my birthday tomorrow, chelsea is getting her lashes done since our nana is paying.

mia has been on the sunbeds and is now waiting for us since we're almost done.

mattia has spent the day with james and his new friends doing god knows what.


"hey baby." mattia walks into the room and tries to kiss me on the cheek but i dodge him.

"it's nine pm mattia." i roll my eyes.

"yeah, i know. what's up?" he takes off his jacket and jumps onto the bed.

"well i've missed you." i cross my arms angrily.

"we've been cooped up together all week, thought you might want a little bit of space. you had a girls day, i had a boys day." he kisses my cheek.

"ok." i state.

"don't be moody elle, it's your birthday in a couple of hours." he says but i ignore him. "fine, i'll just have to make it upto you." he leans in for a kiss but i swerve him playfully.

his hand quickly grips my face turns it straight so we lock eye contact and my body fills with flutters.  he kisses me intensely and his body moves on top of mine as his hand moves down from to chin to wrap around my throat.

his lips part from my own as my hand runs through his hair. "i want you, mattia." i speak quietly.

"you do?" he asks as he places kisses along my neck and his hands roam my body.

"mhm." i moan.

he leans down to speak in my ear. "you need to start being a good girl then."

he rolls off of me and i groan from the loss of touch. he's so annoying.



i open my eyes as i stretch and yawn.

"happy birthday, baby." mattia says and i look at him in confusion before it hits me.

"omg i'm eighteen, it's my birthday!" i shout and he laughs before kissing me.

"happy birthday bitch! ew stop kissing." chelsea runs in and hugs me.

"thankyou chels." i hug her back and she hands me a card.

"chelsea hurry up you need to get to school! happy birthday love." jane says from the door way.

"it's got a primark gift voucher in." chelsea winks as her and her mum leave the room.

"thankyou!" i shout.

"hurry up and get ready so i can take you to see your present." mattia ruffles my hair.

𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 -ᵐᵃᵗᵗⁱᵃ ᵖᵒˡⁱᵇⁱᵒWhere stories live. Discover now